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    12 Sep 2020 06:00      22:00

    Dear all fellow VATSIMmers. 
    We are super excited for the fourth annual installation of our grand event, Copenhagen LIVE 2020. For the fourth year in a row, all our brightest and best Danish controllers will take to the keyboard, all gathered together, and deliver a full 16 hours of service from 06z to 22z. Last year we passed 600 movements, and we need your help to beat that! And have we put together a GREAT program this year!
    As always, we have a lot of super cool competitions, giving you something to fly for, with gifts from major developers such as Vidan Design, FS2Crew, ORBX and Aerosoft.
    Follow our FACEBOOK Page will keep you in the loop of competitions, LIVE updates, and all sorts of inspiration leading up to our event, and also go to VATSIM-Scandinavia and visit our Vatsim-Scandinavia CPH LIVE 2020 website. There you will find answer to any question you may have about CPH LIVE
    It will be a wild day, with everything worthy of a VATSIM experience, especially with FS2020 on the horizon, so cross that date in your calendar and join us for what we hope to be one of the greatest VATSIM events of the Year.
    Visit our Official CPH LIVE 2020 webpage
    Visit our FACEBOOK page
    With Best Regards

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