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How to contact the Supervisor team

Magnus Gustafsson (880543)

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Magnus Gustafsson (880543)


Dear all,

VATSIM is pleased to launch a new method to communicate with the Supervisor team by email.

If you encounter an issue whilst on the network and need help, you should continue to type ".wallop [your message]" in your ATC/pilot client, which will be sent to all online Supervisors.

If no Supervisor is available to assist you or you wish to report an incident after it happened, you should email supervisors@vatsim.net with as much detail as possible. You should also use this email address for queries relating to:-

- Supervisor feedback and complaints
- Suspensions (but not DCRM decisions - see the appeal procedure which was sent to you)
- The Code of Conduct
- Suggestions for the Supervisor team
- Becoming a Supervisor

Your email will be fed into a ticketing system which is monitored by the VP Supervisors, Assistant to VP and the SUP team leaders, which means that your query can be assigned to the correct person and be quickly actioned. Previously, emails sent to vpsup@ had to be manually moved between different people which caused unnecessary workload and delay. There is no need to contact vpsup@ in future - all such emails should be forwarded to supervisors@vatsim.net where any emails intended for the VP will be marked as such.

If you wish to contact me directly you can still use vpsup@vatsim.net but any routine queries which fulfil the above criteria will be forwarded into the system for action.

Thank you.

Gunnar Lindahl
Vice President, Supervisors
VATSIM Board of Governors

Could you be a VATSIM Supervisor?

Have a question? Email supervisors@vatsim.net!



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