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Time to Say Goodbye...

Arvid Hansson (1162891)

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Arvid Hansson (1162891)

Hi all,

As the title might have led you to believe, I am writing to let you all know that after some careful consideration I have sent Magnus my letter of resignation and intend to step down from the Training Director position.

Lately I've found it increasingly difficult to find the motivation needed to give the role the time and attention it deserves. There are a few reasons behind this, the main one being that I've found the combination of VACCSCA's shape and size, and VATEUD and all that it brings incredibly unrewarding to work with. I don't feel it's necessary to go into more detail in this message, but I think it's right that at least some light be shone upon the real reason behind my departure.

For the organisation to function well, It's fundamentally important that the person in the TD seat does not see the situation from the point of view I do. I therefore strongly believe it's best for VATSIM Scandinavia that some fresh blood is brought into the Training Director's office. I want to emphasise that the views and opinions behind this decision are completely my personal thoughts. VATSIM Scandinavia has a good relationship with VATEUD and I've never had any issues working with their guys, it simply isn't right for me.

Finally, I want to say that it's been great working with you in Scandinavia again. Despite the fact that my stint as TD ended up being shorter and less productive than I wanted it to be I have had a great time being here and I feel that I'm handing the department over in a good state. That is, however, far from solely my achievement. I'd like to thank the TAs I've worked with for the time they've spent working for the department, they truly are fundamental pieces of the organisation and there's no doubt the Training Department wouldn't function without them.

Magnus will start the application process for my successor in the upcoming days, I shall continue with the TD duties until one has been appointed.

Take care, I'll see you all around.

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Max Kuhla (1157125)

Thank you for this time, no more Bräcke B|:|

Edited by Max August Larsson Kuhla
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I honestly did not see this coming. Thank you for all the effort you have put into this organisation. I hope we will see you around in some other capacity :)

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Håvard Halvorsen (1284176)

I'm sad to see you go :/ It have been a pleasure working with you under your period as TD. :) 

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Håvard Halvorsen
Training Director

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Joonatan Porkkala (1244751)

Thanks for all your work Arvid, the situations we've faced certainly haven't been the easiest but you've definitely turned the ship in the right direction.

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