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Major event in Copenhagen?

Mikkel Lindgren (1003540)

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Mikkel Lindgren (1003540)

Hi all

I guess that the title says what the essense of this post is.

What's the plans for another major event in Copenhagen? It's about time to think about having an event in CPH again. I checked the records, and the last major event in CPH was at may 29th last year. That's 8½ months ago now.

I'm ready to put some hours in the planning of the event if needed.

Best regards

Mikkel Lindgren

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Mikkel Lindgren (1003540)

So basically, it will be almost a year since last major EKCH event, before a new one is coming up. When I talk about major events, I mean realtime or overload. Scandinavian shuttles are also nice, but the traffic level has never been close to what we see at overload or realtime events - Not AFAIK at least.

I remember some years back, when the agenda was to have at least two major (overload or realtime, which is what I'm requesting) events for every major scandinavian airports every year. I would like to get back to that.

And I'm not asking you or Aleksander to do all the work. I'd be happy to do the majority of the work for such an event, and I believe that I could find a few of my fellow controllers from Denmark FIR, who would also like to contribute. I would really like to increase the amount of realtime or overload-events to at least two a year - It's a very strong and efficient way to keep local controllers motivated.

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Best regards

Mikkel Lindgren

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Magnus Gustafsson (880543)
3 hours ago, Mikkel Lindgren said:

I would really like to increase the amount of realtime or overload-events to at least two a year - It's a very strong and efficient way to keep local controllers motivated.

I support this, more the merrier!

In my opinion, event department should not be the one to dictate how many events we have, if there are an group of members that can arrange an event then go for it! 

Event department are doing an good work distributing event "democratically" around our vACC, but if there is an member/group of members that like to arrange an event, that should generally be an big "YES".

 But event department expertise should be utilised regarding how to setup the event and an clear structure regarding time and responsibilities has to be in place, before launching the event!

There can´t be an situation where event department are sitting with many tasks still to do in an event, where the member/member group are not doing what was agreed upon!

That are my general thoughts regarding events and finally I advertise https://forum.vatsim-scandinavia.org/calendar/2-staff-event-cpt-planning-calendar/ to see that no event are colliding with  other events/major checkouts!


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Lukas Agerskov (1226374)
On 11/2/2017 at 3:42 PM, Magnus Gustafsson said:

I support this, more the merrier!

In my opinion, event department should not be the one to dictate how many events we have, if there are an group of members that can arrange an event then go for it! 

Event department are doing an good work distributing event "democratically" around our vACC, but if there is an member/group of members that like to arrange an event, that should generally be an big "YES".

 But event department expertise should be utilised regarding how to setup the event and an clear structure regarding time and responsibilities has to be in place, before launching the event!

There can´t be an situation where event department are sitting with many tasks still to do in an event, where the member/member group are not doing what was agreed upon!

That are my general thoughts regarding events and finally I advertise https://forum.vatsim-scandinavia.org/calendar/2-staff-event-cpt-planning-calendar/ to see that no event are colliding with  other events/major checkouts!


I was thinking would it then not be an idea to optimize events by appointing someone from each country to work together with event department, bringing ideas from the members to the attention of the event department. I think we tried this a while back in Denmark but was stopped. 

I feel, like Mikkel, we have been very short of events this last year in Denmark which certainly is taking its toll on the motivation, and while I appriciate the great work the event department is doing, maybe we could do something to make it easier for them. We are after all now a lot of quite big and trafficated FIR's 

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Magnus Gustafsson (880543)
3 hours ago, Lukas Agerskov said:

I think we tried this a while back in Denmark but was stopped. 

In the latter parts of 2015 there was an discussion about this that ended in spring 2016. There was no support to create an official assistant position for each FIR to be "local event coordinator", as each FIR Director have different ways to work and own priorities. Neither I supported an official assistant position for each FIR.

This issue on board table was brought to discussion by Copenhagen FIR Director, he was never denied to create his own "local event assistant" what I can read in our discussion and that assistant position has not been brought forward to me officially. As according to constitution, each staff position can have assistant if needed.

Board did create an coordination calendar that was promoted to be used.

During the discussion, there was an very positive thought that member/member group could/should cooperate with event department to create events, where the theme "more the merrier" was much supported. Event department should not be the owner of each event, but they do have an role to see that event´s do collide with other major event in our vACC.

I hade the intention to create an SOP Event document together with event department, to give guidelines regarding how different events should be processed, but that are one of few of my tasks that I leave to next Director to handle if he think it´s an necessary document.

So, official local event assistant for each FIR was not supported, but each staff can create own assistant. Each event that we can create is an absolute positive.



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