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Ground Radar plugin 1.2.2 beta 6

Juha Holopainen

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Juha Holopainen

Beta 6 is available:

Ground Radar plugin version 1.2.2 beta 6

Changes from beta 5:

  • Bug in Maps data file loading fixed
  • APM & Restriction alerts can be inhibited for stationary tracks by clicking the alert in the Alerts List
  • Callsigns data file can optionally contain a path to another file

The contained dll is not exactly a debug build, but something in between release and debug, much like the TopSky beta. Compared to a release build, it has all code optimizations turned off which makes it somewhat slower than the eventual release version, but enables crash dumps to find the faulty code. It should be good enough to track down almost any bugs, but should someone want to use the actual debug build, it can be downloaded HERE.

What to do if a CTD happens (no need to memorize all this, just remember to come back and read this if it happens):

A crash dump is the best way for me to find out what went wrong. Depending on the EuroScope version, it may or may not make an automatic crash dump in the same folder as EuroScope.exe. It'll be named "EuroScope_crash_.dmp". If the EuroScope process is still alive (it didn't crash straight to desktop without an error message), a manual dump with some more information can be made in Task Manager: in the Processes tab, right-click on the EuroScope app and choose "Create dump file". Should a 'clean' CTD happen (no error message, just straight to desktop), or if you didn't remember to make a dump in Task Manager, Windows may have made an automatic crash dump in "%APPDATALOCAL%\CrashDumps". The filename is EuroScope.exe.<number>.dmp .

The small EuroScope-generated dump is usually enough to fix a bug, the slightly larger Windows-auto-generated one a bit more likely, and the one from Task Manager should cover all needs, but it's also a couple of hundred megabytes in size, so it's easiest to start with the smaller ones first as they can easily be attached to a forum message or uploaded anywhere for me to have a look.

Edited by Juha Holopainen
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  • 2 weeks later...
Carlo Bollini (1365777)

Hello! First off, thank you so much for continuing your work on this plugin!

I have a question: unfortunately, after creating the ASR file for Ground Radar plugin, the appropriate TAG type is nowhere to be found on the Display settings, and having it manually set in the ASR file makes it change if the Display Settings are opened. Is this behaviour expected and "GRplugin" tag type is just a placeholder or Did i do something wrong in install/configuration?

Thanks again for your work!😊


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Juha Holopainen

It seems that part of the documentation hasn't kept up with the changes in the code, the used tag family hasn't made any difference in a long time. The lines in the ASR that are actually needed for every setup are :

DisplayTypeName:Ground Radar display

I'll update the documentation accordingly for the next release.

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Patrick Weineis (1244867)

What happen if Aircraft Type is unknown in the AircraftInfo file?
We had today aircraft icao F18 arriving, and the plugin assigned him a gate without knowing Infos of dimensions.
only assigning according shengen/non shengen

Is that a Bug or working as planned?

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Juha Holopainen

It's working as planned. Rather than making the controller having to manually assign a stand for every unknown type - either a completely unknown ICAO code as in this case, or a valid type not found in the AircraftInfo data file - which might be tedious in big events, the plugin just makes some assumptions based on the WTC (height/length 0m in all cases):

WTC with assumed wingspan, MTOW and use category:

?: 0m, 0kg, "A"
L: 14m, 0kg, "P"
M: 35m, 7000.001kg, "A"
H: 64m, 136000kg, "A"
J: 79m, 560000kg, "A"

The default use category based on WTC can be adjusted in the settings (for unknown WTC not yet, but in the next version). By default the WTC will not be forced to any value for unknown types, but can be using the settings, in which case the values for that WTC will be used for unknown types.

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Patrick Weineis (1244867)

OK thanks for clarification

also a User having a problem at the moment which I don't have any clue why that happen.
If plane have a other squawk as assigned, sometimes it happens that the squawk didn't appear in red at the target

for the moment, it only happens in LOWI randomly whithout any certain pattern.
didn't found any local settings which could make that problem

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Juha Holopainen

My first guess would be the “pro mode” being used. Then the squawk error is only shown if the set code is known - either a secondary radar return is received from the track, or the flight plan has an equipment code that indicates mode S transponder (according to the plugin’s mode S equipment codes setting).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Joshua Pope-Lewis

I am using the Euroscope Beta & can't seem to get this plugin working? After loading it in "Plugins" it doesn't appear in the Tag Family settings?



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  • 3 weeks later...
begench atayev

hello sir. i don't understand how to create profile,  can u help me please  with settings for Airport UTAA ?

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Juha Holopainen
7 hours ago, begench atayev said:

hello sir. i don't understand how to create profile,  can u help me please  with settings for Airport UTAA ?

All the information required to start using the plugin is supposed to be in the Developer Guide. Chapter 2 has some outdated information though, see the second message in this thread by Carlo and my response to it for correct information.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Juha Holopainen

(from a PM)


We recently found a bug in the Ground Radar plugin in Germany. If a plane comes from Munich, it still has the assigned status from Munich when it lands in Frankfurt.

From what I can gather, the aircraft in question arrived to EDDM and then filed a new flightplan to EDDF using the same callsign. Assuming it didn't disconnect from the network at any point, the bug is due to the code not dealing well with an aircraft changing its destination without disconnecting once an automatic stand assignment is already done. Whether the destination is changed while in flight or after landing, the result with the current code is the same; a stand assignment will only be automatically cleared by the aircraft disconnecting. I'll see if I can slip in a check for a changed destination somewhere, but for now a new stand assignment must be manually triggered in these situations.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Patrick Naber (1083033)

Hello Juha,

I have a request for this plugin: In EDLL we track aircraft not only in the air, but also on the ground. With the current colour settings we cannot see if the aircraft is already tracked, if we receive a handoff etc. Is it possible to change the colour slightly for tracked or handed off aircraft? Second problem (don't know if already reported by someone else) is the aircraft is not selected for text messages when clicking on the aircraft tag. Possible to fix this? Thank you for your great plugins and help!


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Juha Holopainen

Color changes depending on assumed/transfer/etc are not planned. Some other way to signal these states is possible in a future version.

Clicking on the track label does select the aircraft as the ASEL track for me (except for uncorrelated tracks in pro mode but that's as planned). Could you provide more information on how it's not working for you?

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Ricardo Sousa (1110850)

It also doesn't select for me, but I always thought it was meant to be that way. Clicking a tag doesn't select it, clicking the callsign of the tag so that it opens the callsign menu selects it, and is what we've been doing to select aircraft to send text messages and stuff.

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Juha Holopainen

Left-clicking anywhere on the label, not just the callsign item, should open the callsign menu. Where exactly in the label are you clicking when it’s not opening the menu?

Also, to just select the track and do nothing else, you can click on its position symbol.

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  • Juha Holopainen locked this topic
Juha Holopainen

Beta 7 now available so this thread is locked. The only intentional changes to tag click areas are to the APP Window (the labels there should now have the same click functionality as the ground labels). Post on the beta 7 thread with further information if the issue still persists on that version.

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