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CTD when using DSQ

Martin Tornberg (1069087)

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Martin Tornberg (1069087)

Hi all, when using the DSQ function in the DEP LIST I have experienced that ES CTD.

Has someone else got this?



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Juha Holopainen

Rather than making everyone crash their plugins, I'd like them to be able to avoid it. Could you provide some more information on the issue?

- Which plugin version?
- Is it a specific action that triggers the crash or is it just connected to currently using or having used one or more DSQ numbers during the session?

Even though there fortunately isn't that much code connected to DSQ, it will be much faster to fix it if there's a way to replicate the crash, or if there's a crash dump available.

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Martin Tornberg (1069087)

I will have a look when I got my laptop again on which version I have and a possible crash dump. 

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Martin Tornberg (1069087)

This is what I found in the event viewer:


Loggnamn:      Application
Källa:         Application Error
Datum:         2020-07-07 13:12:00
Händelse-ID:   1000
Nivå:          Fel
Nyckelord:     Klassiskt
Användare:     Saknas
Dator:         LAPTOP-CO0GBAPF
Felet uppstod i programmet med namn: EuroScope.exe, version, tidsstämpel 0x5e92f782
, felet uppstod i modulen med namn: ucrtbase.dll, version 10.0.18362.815, tidsstämpel 0xbea5fce0
Undantagskod: 0xc0000409
Felförskjutning: 0x0009caa2
Process-ID: 0xb04
Programmets starttid: 0x01d6543a1f3985e3
Sökväg till program: C:\Program Files (x86)\EuroScope\EuroScope.exe
Sökväg till modul: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
Rapport-ID: 06082b8f-1414-41b2-b8cb-1353bfe5fabe
Fullständigt namn på felaktigt paket: 
Program-ID relativt till felaktigt paket: 
Händelsens XML-data:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-07-07T11:12:00.318296700Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\EuroScope\EuroScope.exe</Data>



Loggnamn:      Application
Källa:         Application Error
Datum:         2020-07-07 13:14:52
Händelse-ID:   1000
Nivå:          Fel
Nyckelord:     Klassiskt
Användare:     Saknas
Dator:         LAPTOP-CO0GBAPF
Felet uppstod i programmet med namn: EuroScope.exe, version, tidsstämpel 0x5e92f782
, felet uppstod i modulen med namn: ucrtbase.dll, version 10.0.18362.815, tidsstämpel 0xbea5fce0
Undantagskod: 0xc0000409
Felförskjutning: 0x0009caa2
Process-ID: 0x2ce4
Programmets starttid: 0x01d6544f77150225
Sökväg till program: C:\Program Files (x86)\EuroScope\EuroScope.exe
Sökväg till modul: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
Rapport-ID: 9bba49f9-2b24-4d1a-890b-cb76ec00f2cd
Fullständigt namn på felaktigt paket: 
Program-ID relativt till felaktigt paket: 
Händelsens XML-data:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-07-07T11:14:52.641360300Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\EuroScope\EuroScope.exe</Data>

Topsky version is (if I read it correctly) 

GR Plugin is


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Martin Tornberg (1069087)

To be honest I rarely use the DSQ, but yesterday I tried to use it on three different aircrafts.

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Juha Holopainen

So no crash dump was created? (instructions to find them are in the beta thread). If not, does the crash happen when performing an action such as a mouse click on somewhere or at a random time? I might have a couple of hours available today to hunt down the bug, and the more information I have, the better the chances of finding it are.

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Martin Tornberg (1069087)

I haven't been able to find a crash dump as per your instructions. 

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Juha Holopainen
19 hours ago, Juha Holopainen said:

- Is it a specific action that triggers the crash or is it just connected to currently using or having used one or more DSQ numbers during the session?

or in other words

2 hours ago, Juha Holopainen said:

does the crash happen when performing an action such as a mouse click on somewhere or at a random time?

All I can gather from the event viewer data is that something in EuroScope caused a stack buffer overflow. That's around 100000 lines of plugin code to look at. If you're fairly certain it's related to DSQ, that would narrow it down to around 100 which would make a manual search effort worth trying. Then again, if the crash happens when doing something specific, it's only about 10 lines of code which would make a quick fix almost certain.

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Juha Holopainen

Found one bug in the code that could cause a CTD, fixed in beta 13. If I fixed the 'wrong' bug and the plugin keeps crashing, let me know.

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