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TopSky plugin 2.2.1 beta 15

Juha Holopainen

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Juha Holopainen

Beta 15 is available (attached)

Main changes from beta 14:

  • Maps data file syntax updated (automatically activating maps no longer restricted to just the AUTO folder, however some restrictions remain as stated in the developer guide - see Maps data file ACTIVE line definition)
  • Bug fixes related to automatically activating maps and areas

What to do if a CTD happens (no need to memorize all this, just remember to come back and read this if it happens):

A crash dump is the best way for me to find out what went wrong. Depending on the EuroScope version, it may or may not make an automatic crash dump in the same folder as EuroScope.exe. It'll be named "EuroScope_crash_.dmp". If the EuroScope process is still alive (it didn't crash straight to desktop without an error message), a manual dump with some more information can be made in Task Manager: in the Processes tab, right-click on the EuroScope app and choose "Create dump file". Should a 'clean' CTD happen (no error message, just straight to desktop), or if you didn't remember to make a dump in Task Manager, Windows may have made an automatic crash dump in "%APPDATALOCAL%\CrashDumps". The filename is EuroScope.exe.<number>.dmp .

The small EuroScope-generated dump is usually enough to fix a bug, the slightly larger Windows-auto-generated one a bit more likely, and the one from Task Manager should cover all needs, but it's also a couple of hundred megabytes in size, so it's easiest to start with the smaller ones first as they can easily be attached to a forum message or uploaded anywhere for me to have a look.


Edited by Juha Holopainen
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Paul McDyer (1304314)

Thanks Juha,

That syntax works perfectly now for the active ID and works so fast.....i love it. Appreciate your help.

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Oliver Gruetzmann (961224)


question about the STCA, how is the profile calculated when setting the CFL to approach? Is 001/002 assumed like the internal ES value?

Question arises since I do have a lot of alerts when feeding independent parallel approaches (on different levels, of course) when setting the second aircraft to "CA". STCA_UseCFL is on.


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Oliver Gruetzmann (961224)

Any ideas how this is handled in the real system or suggestions for a config that might handle these situations better?

Or maybe an option that turns off the STCA predictions for aircraft with a cfl set to approach?

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Juha Holopainen

A SOIR setup defined in the STCA data file should inhibit the alerts once the tracks are established on the approach courses. While still being vectored, it's probably best to set the higher aircraft to "CA" only after it is on localizer, or has reached the altitude from which it will intercept the glide, whichever happens first.

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Oliver Gruetzmann (961224)

You even need to wait until every potential traffic for the parallel runway is established.

Having one aircraft established on the localizer at 20 NM final, cleared for the ILS and instructed to maintain 6000 ft until glidepath intecept, I have plenty of space left to feed traffic for the the parallel runway at 4000/5000 feet. This gets even worse if you work with two feeder positions feeding one runway each.

In any case, I have aircraft with a state not reflecting the actual clearance given.

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Juha Holopainen

As so many things can have an influence on whether an alert is shown or not, I’d need more information to give useful advice.

A video perhaps showing an alert, starting before the alert is displayed and lasting until the alert ends. It should show the relevant tracks of course (with the track labels displaying at least their current levels and the vertical speed up/down arrow) and also a scale (best would be the extended runway centerlines showing distance markers). In case you don’t have one yet, just save a log from a session with such an alert which can then be played back any number of times to record video or screenshots and to try the effect of any possible settings changes.

Everyone, as session log files are such a useful tool in development and troubleshooting, one should be saved after every session in which something questionable happens as it may take forever to trigger the same circumstances online again. If it turns out the file is not needed, just delete it later.

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Juha Holopainen

Version 2.3 is now released. The code is practically the same as this beta version, the biggest change is that it is compiled as a release build, being somewhat faster but without debug capability. Thank you for your participation in the beta!

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