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[VACANT POSITION] Director of VATSIM Scandinavia - ACCSCA1

Martin Stockzell (1294494)

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Martin Stockzell (1294494)

Since my second year as Director is staring to come to an end, a new election for Director is called for. Based on past experiences this role is the hardest to get willing applicants to (and perhaps rightfully so).

So my plan is to be proactive and start gathering candidates earlier then normal and then announce the vote in the beginning of next year.



6.1 Elections The director of VATSIM Scandinavia is elected for a period of two years divided in one plus one year.

After the first of the two years the director shall, sometime during January, announce publicly on VATSIM Scandinavia official forum, whether he/she stays in office for the second year or resigns. In the event of resignation, ordinary election shall be held.
A change of director has no initial influence on the composition of the rest of the staff.

Ordinary Director (ACCSCA1) election should take place sometime between February and March during a period of one week. The exact dates are set by the board. The elected director takes up the duty as director exactly one month after the election is closed.

Elections should be announced to all VATSIM Scandinavia members by e-mail together with the electable candidates at least one week prior to the election. Permanent ATC members whom are active are eligible to vote and have one vote each. There is no vote by proxy.

6.2 Election committee There is no formal election committee. All members have the right to propose candidates for the election. Candidate suggestion should be sent to the board and if the candidate fulfils the requirements he/she should be included in the e-mail announcing the election as previously stated.


2.1 Director Head of VATSIM Scandinavia’s staff and counts as board member. Must have been a member of VATSIM Scandinavia for at least one year, have a rating of C1 or higher in VATSIM and be approved by the Director of VATEUD when appointed


5.5.1 Director The work in VACCSCA is led by the director. The director represents the organization towards its parent and other organizations. The director has the overall responsibility for all subordinated areas and the main responsibility for all areas not covered by any other staff position. It is the Directors responsibility to see to that staff-positions are manned.

TL;DR: Every member has the right to nominate candidates, however they must fulfill the requirements above. Then there will be a vote where, active, permanent ATC members (members with more than 10 hours of ATC time during the past 12 months with a rating of S2 or above) are eligible to participate in. There will be an email with information about the candidates and the vote at least one (1) week prior to the vote, and the vote will be open for one (1) week.

Applications and/or nominations should be sent to election@vatsim-scandinavia.org and the deadline is December 31:st 2020 23.59Z (can be prolonged). Every nominated candidate will be contacted to make sure that they accept the nomination. Every accepted nominee or applicant will be subject to advanced notice to VATEUD for pre-approval.

On a personal note:

I'm not accepting nominations for re-election. My personal life has taken a drastic change during the past 6 months and even though I love this community and I'm very proud of the work that we have accomplished during the past 2 years - I can't spend the amount of time and have the presense necessary that befits the Director, it wouldn't be fair to anyone.
I would like to thank everyone that I have had the opportunity to work with, and who has made this community what it is today!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Martin Stockzell (1294494)

Just a reminder about this. The vote will be earlier then usual in 2021 to get the transition period running smoother then some unnamed countries ;)

For those who are afraid of that it "means" being the Director.

It's not a dictatorship. Basically you are the guy representing the community in official matters and primary contact to the Division and Region. My mentality is delegation. I want as many people to contribute with what they know and like - instead of me micro managing stuff. I hope that's how I'm perceived by my colleagues anyhow :D 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Martin Stockzell (1294494)

Important update: Due to circumstances that I won't go in to much detail about (yet!) the election and application process is temporary halted


I will get back with more information as soon as I'm able to share it!

Disregard! We will proceed as planned, albeit a bit later then plan A!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Martin Stockzell (1294494)

Since the application process was halted earlier then the deadline passed, I'm extending the application/nomination period until Mon 11th January 23.59Z

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