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Setting Custom Ground Flags not accepted by specific flights (due to ES calculated trajectory has been started already)

Jonas Kuster (1158939)

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Jonas Kuster (1158939)

GRP 1.4

Sometimes for some aircraft, the custom ground flag status cannot be used. When selected from the list, it is not changed. Is there any limitation for the use of the custom ground flag (e.g. if a default ground state has been used before, interference with other plugins like vStrips, etc.)?

Edited by Jonas Kuster

Jonas Kuster Leader Operation - vACC Switzerland | www.vacc.ch

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Juha Holopainen

There are no intentional limitations to their use. For possible interference with other plugins, I can only reasonably test with my own ones (TopSky, Ground Radar and MAESTRO), and I'm not aware of any interference between them. If a state doesn't get set, there's no harm in trying again, all they do is set a scratchpad text for a fraction of a second.

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Jonas Kuster (1158939)

Well, tried it repeatedly for those aircraft, without joy. But then I'll need to investigate further.

Jonas Kuster Leader Operation - vACC Switzerland | www.vacc.ch

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Jonas Kuster (1158939)

I have tested with a replay. Some aircraft work, others not. I've then also removed all plugins (except AFV and GRP), but still the same issue.

I'm using ES 3.2, r26.

This is the file I'm using: https://1drv.ms/t/s!Aj8J18lHF5CEk7Fq6w-GDhuJ-4rlBw?e=kIf7Wt. The login is LSZH_N_GND, and only few aircraft are actually in this sector. However, the data can also be modified for aircraft in the South of the airport. I was able to successfully set "ON FREQ" for FDX49T, SWR204V and BAW717T. But I couldn't for EDW49Q, UPS610 and SWR646.

For those I cannot set "ON FREQ", I also cannot set the other customs states introduced by GRP, nor can I empty the Flag.

The sector file I used is from GNG: https://files.aero-nav.com/LSAS/Install-Package_20210225225539-210201-1.7z.


Any help in investigating this issue would be much appreciated.

Jonas Kuster Leader Operation - vACC Switzerland | www.vacc.ch

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Juha Holopainen

The one thing in common with the flights whose custom states can't be set (or the state cleared, which is technically just another custom state) is the SID. As it loops back overhead the airport, EuroScope thinks it's already flown that part and the next point is MOMOL instead of the first waypoint of the SID. Because of this, the plugin assumes the aircraft has already departed and will immediately clear the assigned custom state from memory. The default states remain visible as they're handled by EuroScope. There is no immediate fix to this other than to not assign SIDs like that, but that may not be a very convenient solution. I'll look into a solution for the next version of the plugin.

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  • Jonas Kuster (1158939) changed the title to Setting Custom Ground Flags not accepted by specific flights (due to ES calculated trajectory has been started already)

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