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Area activation on ID

Erik Wachters (815026)

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Erik Wachters (815026)


Plugin version: 2.3.1b5(SE)

When I add the line "ACTIVE:ID:YourIdList:NotYourIdList:OnlineIdList:NotOnlineIdList" the area isn't deactivated when the sector goes offline.
What I want to do is activate an area if I'm ID = BA and ID = BHLD comes online and de-activate again when ID BHLD goes offline.
This is what I have in the Areas file: ACTIVE:ID:BA:*:BHLD:*
The first part works. So when BHLD comes online, the area is displayed but when BHLD goes offline the area remains activated.

Is there a way to have the area deactivated when BHLD goes offline?

Thank you


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Juha Holopainen


version 2.3.1 was released in February. Even though I don't believe there were any changes related to areas handling from the last beta to the release version, it's probably worth checking out (also - and this is unrelated to the issue here - unless you're controlling in Sweden, the SE setup probably isn't very useful as the things that setting affect are mostly country-specific). If the behavior is the same, check what the issue actually is:

  1. the area is not being deactivated, or
  2. the area is deactivated but the screen background is not automatically refreshed

The difference there being that in the latter case the area will show as inactive in the areas window and zooming or panning the screen will remove it from display.

Version 2.3.x will not be getting any more updates unless a critical fix is needed. Assuming the issue is still present in 2.3.1, check it also in the beta for 2.4 once it becomes available as it has a lot of changes in the code so it's possible that it's already fixed there.

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Erik Wachters (815026)

Hello Juha,

Thank you for the reply!
I tested your suggestions and it's indeed the background refresh (2).
If I zoom in or out the area disappears.

I'll test it in 2.4 if available.

Thanks again.


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