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TopSky plugin 2.4 beta 3

Juha Holopainen

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Juha Holopainen

Beta 3 changes:

  • Updated Airspace data file syntax (ta_circle and ta_polygon added to allow area-specific transition altitudes)
  • MTCD code updated (general updates, "potential predicted" and "potential risk" added, CARD and VAW View menus updated accordingly). The "4D" FPCP that takes the predicted vertical path into account is now default for both plugin setups.
  • Minor changes to track label items: AFL item can now be toggled to an "enhanced" display using a new tag function for this purpose, GS item can optionally have a prefix character.
  • Color values for non-COOPANS version updated
  • Fix to a plugin crash scenario


Edited by Juha Holopainen
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Juha Holopainen

For the Finnish setup, the attached file provides some files to set up the new features.

With the new default color scheme, please have a look once again - if you haven't already, please do now - at the sector package guide document section about selecting a suitable color scheme, and possibly creating different profiles for each scheme.

To summarize, there are three color schemes (why on earth, I don't know...):

  1. EFIN - used to be very close to the EFHK colors but with the new colors this is very, very grey
  2. EFHK - greenish active sector color (no change)
  3. Other - blueish active sector color (no change)

EFIN is the default if nothing is done as the Symbols.txt file the default profile file points to is a copy of Symbols_EFIN.txt

As the color schemes are now more and more different, and as the plugin automatically switches its own colors based on the login callsign, it's getting more and more important to use the correct Symbols settings file for EuroScope so that the EuroScope colors are a match with the plugin ones. The easiest way to get good results is probably to first set up the profile file as desired, and then make two copies out of it, and edit the files to point to the correct symbols settings files.


Edited by Juha Holopainen
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Spyros Stavrakis (1463640)

So the airspace file can now force the level lists to show altitudes according to the area TA? 

And if possible, how can we force the lists to show altitudes according to airport specific TA?

Thank you in advance,

Spyros Stavrakis
HvACC Training Director (ACCGR2)


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Hongye Rudi Zhang (1326158)

Hi Juha. Thanks for update! After updating the new beta, I always crash without any warning. can you check it, maybe you can find the reason? It shows ucrtbase.dll

Edited by Hongye Zhang
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Ricardo Sousa (1110850)

Is the BOUND line still needed for CIRCLE areas? I can't tell but from the documentation it seems that way

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Juha Holopainen

Okay, some basic rules for bug reports:

For pretty much anything to have a realistic chance of getting fixed, some way for me to replicate the issue consistently will be required. An EuroScope log file that shows the issue during playback is a good tool for plugin misbehavior (with as much detail as possible - time, callsign, expected behavior, actual behavior, etc. so I'll know what to look for when checking the log), a crash dump will likely help with CTDs.

On 8/26/2021 at 10:12 PM, Spyros Stavrakis said:

And if possible, how can we force the lists to show altitudes according to airport specific TA?

No way for that. As the levels are only numbers in the network data, I'll keep the menus and label/list items synchronized so what you set in the menu will be the same what you'll see in the label and flight lists.

21 hours ago, Ricardo Sousa said:

Is the BOUND line still needed for CIRCLE areas? I can't tell but from the documentation it seems that way

Have you tried what happens when you put a BOUND and CIRCLE line for the same area?

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Juha Holopainen

No worries, I don't expect everyone to have enough coding expertise to have an idea of how hopeless it would be to try and find the cause for a CTD whose reason I haven't a clue about and can't trigger myself. All four dumps point to the same line of code which is nice, not having a whole lot to fix.

It's related to FPCP calculations for tracks that will never be above the defined MTCD and/or SAP floor levels in the checked time span. Ways to avoid the CTD would be:

  • Reverting to any earlier plugin version - the faulty code is new in beta 3
  • Setting both MTCD and SAP off
  • Setting both MTCD and SAP floor levels below the lowest expected track altitude during the whole flight (minimum accepted value for both is -999ft)

This issue would be the likely reason for CTDs during sessions with MTCD and/or SAP on. If any CTDs occur with both MTCD and SAP off, or before any traffic is present (either on-screen or off-screen), I will need more information and crash dumps on those as this specific case can't be the reason then.

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Jakob Arne Bronstad (1000634)
On 8/29/2021 at 12:38 PM, Erik Wachters said:

I can confirm that it has to do with MTCD or SAP.
I disabled both and I had no more CTD.

Gr, E.

It's the same to us as well

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Jakob Brønstad
Sectorfile Department Polaris FIR


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