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Ricardo Sousa (1110850)

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Ricardo Sousa (1110850)

So I faked the following notam into existance

A0001/22 NOTAMN
Q) LPPC/QRALW/IV/NBO/W /000/999/4013N00716W030
A) LPPC B) 2204180600 C) 2204182359
|D28B |000|015|07:00|21:00|	
|D67  |040|300|10:00|12:00|	
|R42B |010|070|08:00|16:00|	
|R60B |245|500|09:30|12:30|	
|R60B |245|500|13:00|16:00|	
|SNOW |245|285|13:00|15:00|	
F) SFC G) FL999
CREATED: 14 Apr 2022 14:46:00 

The settings file has the following definitions


The notam is listed in the notam list, but has no effect on the areas. the TSA window shows no schedule whatsoever in any of the areas, for example

So, any help?


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Juha Holopainen

The parser does not consider the vertical line as a special character, so at least that is throwing the code off. When searching for area names in the E part of the NOTAM, the area names are expected to be padded with spaces on both sides to prevent activating for example TRA5 when the text contains TRA55. The code does automatically convert periods, commas, colons and newline characters to whitespaces, but other characters are taken for what they are.

Changing all the vertical lines to whitespace characters might be a quick fix, but note that this "feature" is currently marked for removal when the plugin gets a proper way to handle AUP data. The alternative way is to fake normal activation NOTAMs for each area. If you're planning to continue activating areas using fake NOTAMs and using individual NOTAMs per area instead of this "AUP" NOTAM format is not feasible for some reason, let me know and I can consider keeping the feature available.

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