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Sigfus Jonsson (1304357)

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Sigfus Jonsson (1304357)

Hello everybody. 

I've come here today to inquire about the interest for doing a VFR General Aviation fly in in Iceland. And I'd like to hear opinions from everyone, both ATC and Pilots

I think it would be great fun to host a fly-in somewhere in Iceland. Not necessarily in the bigger airports, such as BIKF and BIRK (although BIRK would be fine) but I think airports like BIAR, BIIS, BISF, BIEG and BIVM would be more suitable. Personally I would be highly interested in doing it in BIIS, as it has such challenging approaches to offer. I'm quite new here on Vatsim, only joined in the end of March but I've already attended two events hosted by Vatsim Scandinavia which I enjoyed immensely. I attended both the BIKF fly in and the ESSA Realtime and they were great fun.

Just yesterday I went to a real world fly in in BISF. I flew in with my uncle on his plane and I started thinking what fun it would be to do this on Vatsim, especially if the attendance was good  

It is my impression that doing events such as this is rare and almost unheard of, as I regularly check for events on Vatsim and in my short time here I've never seen an event such as this. I might be wrong though so I apologise in advance. Doing big international commercial aviation events is great fun of course and I fully understand that the vast majority of pilots on Vatsim fly big jets to international destinations. I can't however help thinking that some variety wouldn't hurt and that doing events such as this might even spark more interest in general aviation. I love flying the big jets as much as everyone but I'm also highly interested in general aviation. 

I think in terms of controllers, Tower would probably be enough for the airport itself but the more the merrier of course. Reykjavík Centre is a must have as most people would be flying to and from different Icelandic airports. Obviously, I'm not a controller or a member of importance on this forum so I have little to offer. I do however, if required, offer my help to plan the event and of course to rally pilots from the Icelandic community to it.

I'm highly interested to hear what you guys think about this


With thanks.

Sigfús Jónsson TF-SEX BISR


Edited by Sigfus Jonsson
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Wygene Chong

Hi Sigfus,

Nice to see you here! We did do an Iceland Regional Day earlier this year where people could fly BIRK to BIAR, BIIS and BIEG. There are some plans to do it again in September I think :) It's just a bit hard to attract planes because most people want to go to BIKF... in fact I think in that event BIKF was busier than BIRK :P 

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Sigfus Jonsson (1304357)

I have to say that slightly intrigues me. To me (and this is only my opinion) BIKF is one of the dullest airports in Iceland, but of course it is the main international airport and the biggest airport in Iceland but I'm guessing that the majority of what made up the traffic on BIKF that day were commercial aviation jets, arriving from other countries, there to take advantage of the well staffed ATC. 

Which is the problem of course.. People aren't interested enough in flying general aviation planes, which is a shame really, although I fully understand why the big jets tend to interest people more.

Apparently, according to the pilots we met in that fly in yesterday, there is a great upswing in the Icelandic general aviation community, Although as many may know there is a downswing in the ATC community, The pilots that flew in from BIRK yesterday had to beg the BIRK controllers for an exemption to be allowed to go flying because the Isavia controllers are currently undergoing a ban on overtime work. Not the first and probably not the last time they go on strike. 

That event, the fly in was a charity for young children with cancer which were to be flown around by the many pilots that attended the event. Because of that, the ATC got a guilty conscience and decided to allow the pilots to fly out.

A regional day in Iceland would be fantastic. However if I may make a suggestion, staffing only two airports along with Reykjavík Center might be more fun. 

It would make the airports as well as the airways between them busier and more people would be able to fly together at once, which might get people to fly together more often. As you saw in the Flightsim Iceland group (don't know whether you understood, your Icelandic seems to be pretty good so i guess you got the gist of it), me and my friend Eiríkur have been struggling to get more people to fly with us but surprisingly, the interest seems to be negligible.



Sigfús Jónsson TF-SEX BISR

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Wygene Chong

I agree. I think what we can do is some kind of city pair event, maybe BIRK-BIAR or similar, to condense the traffic. We'll look at slotting this in August or September, so keep an eye out for it. Takk fyrir Sigfus!

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