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  • EKRN - Roenne Airport


  • Background Information
    Rønne is the isolated airport of Bornholm. Situated on this popular summer destination for Danes, it is an airport hosting both charter traffic as well as plenty of domestic traffic, mainly to Copenhagen (EKCH) and Billund (EKBI). It is a beautiful approach over water and scenery, with a challenging runway and visual approaches available. It will be a sure hit if you want to fly here. and challenging as well

  • Most common Airlines

    • Norwegian
    • Scandinavian Airlines
    • Danish Air Transport
    • Jettime
    • Sunclass Airlines
  • Operational Information



    If EKRN_TWR is offline EKDK_CTR still controls Roenne


    Clearance must be obtained from Sweden by Copenhagen, so expect a slight delay when requesting ATC clearance. You may start up and taxi while clearance is being obtained


    For you departure expect clearance like this:


    “Sweden control Clears you to Destination via [Point]/[Flightplan route], 4000’, expect level change, squawk 1234, after departure Direct [Point]”


    Pushback & Taxi:


    Pushback is not used in Roenne.


    Expect taxi via runway A for 11, and via B and backtrack for Runway 29



    Noise abatement in effect. You must follow these procedures after departure:

    Rwy 11: Climb straight ahead until passing 1.5DME from ROE, then turn

    Rwy 29: Climb straight 500’ then left until passing 5 DME from ROE, then turn

    Note: turn to cleared point as instructed in the ATC clearance





    Roenne is a “Procedural Airport” this means there is not radar and you must fly a full procedure approach. Expect clearance direct to following points:


    ODMEG, ROE(radial 109) (rwy 11)

    FAU (rwy 29)



    1. Fly direct ODMEG or intercept ROE radial 109, to get established on the ILS

    2. Execute the approach



    1.     Fly Direct FAU,

    2.     track FAU outbound heading 164 (145 for light aircraft) until 8DME from IRE (ils)

    3.     then turn left and intercept the inbound track of the ILS

    4.     Make a beautiful landing on Runway 29


    RNAV procedures available on request



    After landing vacate:

    • Rwy 29:

    o   Right at the end

    •  Rwy 11

    o   Backtrack and vacate via B

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