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  • ENTC - Tromsø Airport

  • Welcome to Tromsø!

    Tromsø is the biggest city in Northern Norway and is often called as “the Nordic answer to Paris”. The airport is located 3 kilometres from the city centre and is an important hub for the commuter network in Northern Norway. It also has international destinations within Europe. The surrounding area is spectacular and the approach into Tromsø is known for its steep approach down to the runway. Are you up for the challenge?

    Normal stand allocation is as followed:
    Domestic: 21-25
    International: 15-21
    GA parks on the apron east of the runway

    IFR clearance
    Initial contact is with Clearance Delivery, reporting callsign, stand number, and latest ATIS identification letter and QNH.
    All pushback is executed straight back from the stand if it's not specified by the controller on pushback clearance.

    Taxi instructions at Tromsø include the full taxi route, however, the runway intersection is not always included. If for example “holding point runway XX” is stated in your instruction, you may call ATC with “CALLSIGN, ready via ” as you approach this intersection, and it may be approved if traffic permits. Make sure to double-check if you are able to use the runway length from the intersection before requesting it.

    The runway (18/36) has a runway length of approximately 2400 meters. Medium and heavy aircraft are expected to backtrack on runway 18 for full length. Heavy aircraft may request a backtrack for full length on runway 36.

    All SIDs are individually numbered for each runway. When receiving your clearance, know that the SID stated is only valid for one runway, in case the controller forgets to state the departure runway.
    If you are unable to follow the published SIDs (old AIRAC, default or non-database freeware aircraft, etc.), request an Omni-directional departure. All departures have an initial climb to FL90.
    It is important that you NEVER climb above the initial climb without ATC clearance, as STARs and SIDs cross each other at different altitudes.



    Study the approach charts, and make sure to always follow altitude and speed restriction, unless otherwise instructed by ATC.


    Holdings & rerouting during event
    On major events such as Fly and See Santa, you have to expect holding and reroutings. We kindly ask and expect pilots to know the aircraft they execute rerouting and holdings in the specific aircraft. There are limited published holds. Expect to hold as published if there is a published hold. If not, holding instructions will be given. 

    Tromsø has an ILS, LOC and RNP approach for both runways. 
    The glide path is steeper than normal, so make sure to be established on a manageable speed before starting the approach. The Glide path angle is 4 degrees (7%)

    Direct routings
    In Norway, direct routings are often used. Both arriving and departing traffic should be prepared to fly direct to the end of SIDs, STAR Merge Points, and airspace border fixes. Make sure you have your filed route and waypoint page available to quickly accommodate direct routings. Pilots unable to fly direct, should make a comment regarding this in their Flight-Plan Remarks section.

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