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  • ESGG - Göteborg/Landvetter

  • Note: Essential information is written in bold face.


    Göteborg/Landvetter is Gothenburg’s main airport and the second busiest airport in Sweden. It is located around 25 km east of the city of Gothenburg. The airport opened in 1977. Landvetter has over 4 million passengers annually, and has a capacity for up to 6 million passengers.

    Around 25 airlines operate at Landvetter, serving around 50 destinations with scheduled passenger flights, as well as many charter destinations. There are domestic services to Stockholm (both Arlanda and Bromma) and several other destinations, mostly in northern Sweden. Landvetter is also an important cargo terminal.

    Charts and AIP information


    Swedflight (freeware, for FS2004)

    ORBX (payware, P3D and MSFS)

    Freeware (MSFS)

    Basic but accurate freeware scenery for FSX and P3D

    Local Regulations

    IFR clearance

    At first contact with Clearance Delivery state stand position and latest received ATIS transmission including identification letter and QNH.

    If unable to follow FMS/RNAV SID, inform ATC when requesting clearance. Expect to be assigned a SID and to follow special instructions given in the SID charts.

    Note that unless otherwise instructed, aircraft cleared via SID shall climb to 5000 ft. This altitude is not included in the clearance, because it is stated in the SID charts.

    Between 07 and 22 local time, propeller aircraft may be cleared via radar vectoring with initial climb clearance to 4000 ft instead of SID.


    Push-back is generally required at stands 5 – 41A and 68 – 78.


    Unless otherwise instructed by ATC, the standard taxi routes (arrival, departure RWY 03, departure RWY 21) shall be followed.

    Note: Taxi clearances may not include the complete taxi route, as pilots are expected to follow the standard taxi routes.

    Take-off and climb

    On initial contact with Göteborg Control report altitude to verify transponder Mode C readout.

    If unable to follow FMS/RNAV SID, inform Göteborg Control on initial contact using the phraseology “unable RNAV SID.”


    Advise if unable to follow RNAV STAR. Radar vectoring will be provided.

    Observe the maximum flight levels when arriving via LOBBI/MAKUR.

    Low density and high density STARs available. Low density STARs lead to the final approach while high density STARs end at an IAF with radar vectoring to final.

    When cleared to a lower level or cleared for approach while on a STAR, minimum levels as published in the STAR must still be followed.

    RNP approaches

    RNP approaches are available and can be requested from ATC.

    Speed restrictions

    Maximum speed in Göteborg TMA below FL100 is 250 knots, unless otherwise instructed by ATC.

    Aircraft shall maintain minimum 160 knots until OM or 4 NM final or advise ATC if unable.

    Visual approach

    Visual approach is normally not permitted, except for propeller aircraft with MTOW 7,000 kg or less.


    FBO – stand 1

    For small GA and aircraft going to Cessna maintenance hangar

    Cargo – stand 5-10, 42-44

    All cargo airlines

    Schengen flights – stand 12-19

    Flights within the Schengen area, including domestic flights

    Schengen and Non-Schengen flights – stand 20-21

    Schengen and Non-Schengen flights

    Non-Schengen flights – stand 22-23

    Non-Schengen flights

    Widebody aircraft – stand 20-23

    The only stands at the terminal available to widebody aircraft up to B744.

    Remote – stand 30-41A, 46-78

    Primarily regional jets, turboprops and GA


    ID – Frequency – Callsign – Remarks

    ESGG_ATIS – 118.375 – Landvetter ATIS

    ESGG_DEL – 121.675 – Landvetter Clearance Delivery – startup and IFR clearance
    ESGG_GND – 121.900 – Landvetter Ground – taxi instructions (on VATSIM also pushback)
    ESGG_TWR – 118.600 – Landvetter TWR – RWY 03/21 and CTR

    ESGG_E_APP/ESGG_APP* – 124.675 – Göteborg Approach – Göteborg TMA sector East
    ESGG_W_APP – 124.200 – Göteborg Approach – Göteborg TMA sector West
    ESGG_F_APP – 120.125 – Göteborg Arrival – final director

    ESMM_5_CTR/ESMM_CTR – 128.625 – Sweden Control – ACC sector responsible if no local ATC is available
    ESOS_1_CTR/ESOS_CTR – 118.400 – Sweden Control – ACC sector responsible if no local ATC or ESMM ACC is available

    *Main position

    Airspace classification

    TMA and CTR: Class C

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