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  • ESMS - Malmö

  • Note: Essential information is written in bold face.


    Malmö Airport (Sturup) was opened in 1972 when Malmö’s old airport Bulltofta was closed. Since the Öresund bridge opened connecting Malmö and the south of Sweden with Copenhagen and Kastrup Airport, Sturup has lost most of its international destinations. Today the airport is dominated by domestic traffic to Stockholm (Arlanda and Bromma), low-cost airlines such as Wizz Air serving many destinations around mainly eastern Europe, as well as cargo traffic. In 2013 the airport served just over 2 million passengers.

    The Malmö Air Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) is also located at the airport, providing area control over the south of Sweden and the Baltic Sea in Malmö AoR (ESMM), as well as approach control for Malmö Airport.

    Charts and AIP information


    ORBX (payware for P3D)

    Swedflight (freeware, for FS2004)

    Sweden Design (freeware, for FSX/P3D)

    Local Regulations

    IFR clearance

    Note that unless otherwise instructed, aircraft cleared via SID shall climb to 4000 ft. This altitude is not included in the clearance, because it is stated in the SID charts.

    Take-off and climb

    Contact Sweden Control on 134.975 as soon as practicable after takeoff, unless otherwise instructed.

    Arrival planning

    If arriving from the north, expect to be cleared direct NORVI for RWY 17 or direct SUP for RWY 35. If arriving from the south, expect to be cleared direct SUP for RWY 17 or direct SOROM for RWY 35.

    Speed restrictions

    Aircraft shall maintain minimum 160 knots until 4 NM final or advise ATC if unable.

    Visual approach

    Between 2200 and 0600 local time, visual approach is not permitted for aircraft category M or H and jet aircraft.


    Apron N, stand 21-29 and Aprons S, stand 12-24

    Cargo and remote parking

    Apron N, stand 1-5

    Domestic flights

    Apron N, stand 7-9 and Apron S, stand 2-10

    International flights

    Hangars and aprons by taxiway H

    Maintenance parking, GA and flying club


    ID – Frequency – Callsign – Remarks

    ESMS_ATIS – 129.275 – Malmö ATIS

    ESMS_TWR – 118.800 – Sturup TWR

    ESMS_APP – 134.975 – Sweden Control – Sector L, Approach control for ESMS and area control up to FL285

    ESMM_K_CTR – 124.850 – Sweden Control – *
    ESMM_8_CTR – 128.175 – Sweden Control – *
    ESMM_7_CTR – 124.150 – Sweden Control – *
    ESMM_5_CTR/ESMM_CTR – 128.625 – Sweden Control – *
    ESOS_1_CTR/ESOS_CTR – 118.400 – Sweden Control – *

    *Sectors responsible in order of priority when no local ATS or ESMM sector L is available

    Airspace classification

    TMA and CTR: Class C

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