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  • ESNX - Arvidsjaur

  • Note: Essential information is written in bold face.


    Only about 5,000 people live in Arvidsjaur, but yet there is an international airport here. The main reason for this is that Arvidsjaur and nearby Arjeplog are important locations for the automotive industry – this is where new cars, buses and lorries are tested in a sub-polar winter climate. All the year round there are daily scheduled flights to Stockholm/Arlanda, but in the winter the airport comes alive with business jets and charter flights mainly to Germany.

    Until 2013, Arvidsjaur airport was also a base for the largest commercial flight school in Sweden, Scandinavian Aviation Academy, which had a large fleet of C172 aircraft based here. Finally, as Arvidsjaur is an important military location, military transport flights are common here, with aircraft both from the Swedish and international armed forces.

    The runway was extended from 2000 m to 2500 m in 2005. The runway has ILS in both directions. Note that depending on your simulator, default scenery has the old 2000 m runway, lacks TWY B, and only has ILS for RWY 30.

    Charts and AIP information


    Freeware scenery for FS2004 and for X-Plane 11 available at RB Design.

    Freeware scenery for P3D and FSX available here (UPDATED! to version 2 26 January 2021):



    Local Regulations


    In real life, TWR service is only available during “office hours” at Arvidsjaur. During weekends and evenings only AFIS is provided. On VATSIM these times may not be followed, so check with the controller to see which service is provided.

    For information about AFIS procedures, see Introduktion AFIS (in Swedish only) or AIP AD 1.1.8 (Swedish and English).

    Traffic circuit

    Right hand traffic circuit RWY 30.

    Other information

    IFR clearance and squawk code will normally be given during taxi.


    Stand 1-3
    Airline flights

    Stand 4-5
    GA and light aircraft


    ID – Frequency – Callsign – Remarks 

    ESNX_TWR – 122.725 – Arvidsjaur Tower – CTR and TMA
    ESNX_I_TWR – 122.725 – Arvidsjaur Information – AFIS, TIZ and TIA

    ESOS_K_CTR – 131.050 – Sweden Control – ACC sector responsible if no local ATS is available
    ESOS_N_CTR – 132.150 – Sweden Control – *
    ESOS_3_CTR – 131.125 – Sweden Control – *
    ESOS_1_CTR/ESOS_CTR – 118.400 – Sweden Control – *

    *Sectors responsible in order of priority when no local ATS or ESOS sector K is available

    Airspace classification

    TMA and CTR: Class C
    TIZ and TIA: Class G

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