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  • ESSB - Stockholm/Bromma

  • Note: Essential information is written in bold face.


    Stockholm Bromma Airport is Stockholm’s second airport. It is a busy hub for domestic flights to all parts of Sweden and also has some international destinations. It is the home base for Swedish Air Force VIP transports as well as for other business jets.

    Opened in 1936, Bromma is one of the oldest airports with hardened runways in Europe. It was Stockholm’s main airport until SAS moved all international traffic to Arlanda in 1962, followed by the domestic flights in 1969. It is Sweden’s third busiest airport by passenger traffic, take offs and landings as of 2015.

    Charts and AIP information


    Use of default scenery is NOT recommended since the airport is incorrectly placed. There is a basic custom scenery, available for FSX/P3D, freely available here (for P3D and FSX)

    Local Regulations

    Airport limitations

    In real life, Bromma operates a strict curfew and closes at 22:00 local time. Delayed scheduled flights are normally diverted to Arlanda. State aircraft, emergency landings, and humanitarian flights are exempt from these regulations.

    Bromma is also a small airport (RWY reference code 3C), and currently the largest aircraft operating there is the Airbus A319.

    IFR clearance

    At first contact with Ground/Tower state parking position and latest received ATIS transmission including identification letter and QNH.

    If unable to follow FMS/RNAV SID (available for flights to TOVRI and RESNA), inform ATC when requesting clearance. Expect to be assigned a SID and to follow the “unable RNAV SID instruction” given in the SID chart.

    All IFR departures from ESSB and Stockholm TMA should be flight planned via one of the following TMA exit points: TINKA, RESNA, TOVRI, ALOLA, TRS, NOSLI, DKR, ARS

    Initial climb altitude is ALWAYS 3000ft unless otherwise assigned. This is due to risk of conflicts with traffic to and from Stockholm Arlanda Airport.


    Arriving traffic RWY 12 shall vacate the runway via TWY G1 or Y5. When performance conditions permit avoid vacating via TWY Y5, in order to prevent deviations on LOC 12 for following aircraft. Arriving traffic RWY 30 shall vacate the runway via TWY Y3 or Y1.

    When RWY 12 in use, departing traffic from stand 3-7 shall use TWY Y, and departing traffic from stand 8-19 shall use TWY T, (or as cleared by ATC). 

    When RWY 30 in use, arriving traffic to stand 3-6 shall use TWY Y, and arriving traffic to stand 7-19 shall use TWY T (or as cleared by ATC).

    Take-off and climb

    Unless otherwise instructed, at 1500 ft contact Stockholm Control on channel indicated on the SID chart.

    On initial contact with Stockholm Control report altitude to verify transponder Mode C readout.

    If unable to follow FMS/RNAV SID, inform Stockholm Control on initial contact using the phraseology “unable RNAV SID.”


    Observe the maximum flight levels at the TMA entry points. Plan your descent into Stockholm TMA according to the level restrictions depicted on the STAR charts.

    Speed restrictions

    Maximum speed in Stockholm TMA below FL100 is 250 knots, unless otherwise instructed by ATC.

    Visual approach

    Visual approach is only permitted if approach aids are unserviceable or to avoid significant weather conditions.


    Departure: Helicopters will be cleared to air taxi via taxiways to the runway in use, and takeoff will be conducted on the runway in use with climbout on runway heading. After departure, fly along the published routes to the cleared exit point.

    Arrival: TWR will give clearance to the relevant holding point. From the holding, approach is made to the runway in use. Unless otherwise instructed, use normal VFR traffic circuit. Landing (without touchdown) shall be made at the touchdown zone for the runway in use. Air taxi to apron shall be conducted via taxiways.

    There are helicopter VFR holdings and landings instructions in the AIP.

    VFR Procedures

    There are VFR departure and arrival routes based on runway in use:

    For runway 30, aircraft are cleared in to the CTR from the east via reporting points BOSON to join hold at KROGEN, or from the west at reporting point ALVNAS to fly via KUNGSHATT and join hold at BJORNHOLMEN before given approach clearence. To exit the CTR aircrafts are cleared towards RINKEBY to exit via reporting point EDSVIKEN for flights to the north, or via KANAAN to exit via reporting point SVARTJO to the west.

    If runway 12 is in use, similar procedures are used. Entry via reporting point SVARTSJO from the west to join LAMBARUDD hold, or entry via reporting point EDSVIKEN to join KROGEN hold. Exit via BJORNHOLMEN to KUNGSHATT to reporting point ALVNAS for exit to the west, or direct to reporting point BOSON to exit to the east. Reporting point EDSVIKEN are also used as an exit to the north.

    Bromma CTR stretches from ground to 2000ft AMSL.


    Apron 1-3 – stand 3-19

    All airline flights are parked at these stands adjacent to the terminal. Note that all stands are “self-maneouvring” stands and push-back is not required.

    Apron East – GA

    Visiting GA flights and business jets based at Grafair.

    Apron 4

    Swedish Air Force


    ID – Frequency – Callsign – Remarks

    ESSB_ATIS – 122.450 – Bromma ATIS
    ESSB_GND – 121.600 – Bromma Ground
    ESSB_TWR – 118.100 – Bromma Tower

    ESSA_E_APP/ESSA_APP* – 126.650 – Stockholm Control – Stockholm TMA sector East
    ESSA_W_APP – 123.750 – Stockholm Control – Stockholm TMA sector West
    ESSB_APP – 120.150 – Stockholm Control – Stockholm TMA sector South (normally not used on VATSIM)

    ESOS_1_CTR/ESOS_CTR – 118.400 – Sweden Control – ACC sector responsible if no local ATC is available

    *Main position

    Airspace classification

    TMA and CTR: Class C

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