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Ground Radar plugin 1.4 beta 2

Juha Holopainen

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Juha Holopainen

Main changes from beta 1:

  • Label field related bug fixes
  • Aircraft is selected also when dragging the label, not just when clicking on it
  • Adjusted ground states where the "no taxi clearance" info will be shown
  • New "stationary in RPA" alert and "no transfer" and "no pushback clearance" infos


Edited by Juha Holopainen
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Pazhani Ragunathan

Is it possible to display altitude label only when the aircraft is airborne?

when controlling TWR and Ground together. it will be useful without of need of a new view. can it be added in future?

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Hongye Rudi Zhang (1326158)

When i use the command like "F1+i" then move the ground tag, whole radar will block for moving, only zoom in and out available. Can you check that problem?

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Juha Holopainen
On 15/10/2020 at 22:51, Pazhani Ragunathan said:

Is it possible to display altitude label only when the aircraft is airborne?

It is not, but then the ground mode is only meant for monitoring aircraft on the ground. The APP window can be used for an overview of airborne traffic near the airport.

On 17/10/2020 at 16:58, Hongye Zhang said:

When i use the command like "F1+i" then move the ground tag, whole radar will block for moving, only zoom in and out available.

It seems that when EuroScope executes a command like this when moving the tag, it fails to notify the plugin when the tag is released which causes the code to get confused about what's going on (another symptom is that you'll also see the selected label being displayed). I'll see if there's an easy way to get around it without breaking something else. For now, when this happens, just move any label again as it will get the plugin back on track.

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Ricardo Sousa (1110850)

Have setup all windows and lists except departure list to automatically open in airport specific settings, on startup only inbound and app window draw. After closing all inbound lists, the other lists instantly draw. Reloading settings does nothing. This only happens until all inbound lists are closed, afterwards everything works fine, reloading by now draws everything correctly

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  • 2 weeks later...
Patrick Weineis (1244867)

Rebuilding the Groundtag at the moment.
on my Side it seems "Label_WTC 0,1,0" have no function for the Groundlabel.
also if I set the WTC in the label to "WTC,0,0,1" the WTC in the lable shows "ata" or "SSR" instead of "/M"
happen in both, Pro mode is on or off

could you reproduce that problem?


the label looks this




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Juha Holopainen

I can't reproduce any of that.

Label_WTC=0,1,0 works just fine (note the "=" though, it will surely not work without it)

The WTC item in the definitions also works as expected. I tried variations "WTC,0,0,1", "WTC,0,1,0" and "WTC,0,1,1", none of them showed anything strange.

So if there was a problem, it's already fixed in dev, or then there's something else in your setup that's messing things up.

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Patrick Weineis (1244867)

mhhh strange, tried yesterday without success and today it works without any problems.
Maybe finger troubles :D

WTC,0,1,1 and WTC,0,0,1 gives me "SSR" (After A/C Type)


there is only a problem with the Extra_Data of WTC on my side.

maybe its already fixed in the dev version cause with extra_data 0, it works normal

Edited by Patrick Weineis
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Ricardo Sousa (1110850)

Sometimes the plugin autoassigns the same stand to two airplanes


This stand is defined like this, it does have the COPY line, but I've seen this happen in other stands without it too



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Juha Holopainen

Hard to say what could be causing that. One possibility is that the assignments took place so close to each other (less than 5 seconds apart) that the code hadn't yet marked the stand as assigned and therefore blocked from the stand assignment code. I can make a new stand assignment force an immediate refresh to the stand status data, but even then stand assignments done within one second will not be aware of each other, and may end up conflicting.

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We currently have "the problem", that if we set up the AutoAssign for Gates somewhere around 50nm, only controllers with a min. range of 50nm are able to see the assigned gate. Our Apron only has a range of 20nm and is therefor only able to see the assigned Gate as soon as the Tag gets transfered to him, which is too late. Would there be any possability to get a workaround in the future? For our Approach-Controller it is quite import to know where the aircraft supposed to park, to assign the appropriate runway. Thanks in advance!

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Juha Holopainen

Do the apron controllers have "Show simulated traffic" enabled in EuroScope? Looking at some saved logs, information such as scratchpad texts seems to be available from some distance outside the controller's visibility range, but if there's no flightplan to connect it with (not even a simulated one), the information won't be forwarded to the plugins.

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Thanks Juha. We have tried it with "Show simulated traffic", which worked for us. :)

Just some users do experience some performance issues when activating simulated traffic. So if there would be another work-around by the plugin itself, it would be much appreciated. An idea would be, that as soon as a controller assumes the tag, the (same) stands gets posted again (e.g. vom APP to TWR). No clue if that would even work on developers site... Just some thoughts.

Edited by Michael Eyecold
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Pazhani Ragunathan

Hi, i have added the COLORDEF as 255,255,255. the font didn't shown in white color. it was some bluish color not the original white


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Juha Holopainen

@Michael Eyecold What kind of performance issues does simulated traffic cause? Since this plugin doesn't really do much with that data, I would expect the issues to rise when using other (non-GRplugin) ASRs. Is this correct, or are there performance issues specific to this plugin as well?

The problem with a repeated automatic broadcast of the stand assignment is that a suitable place for it is entirely dependent on the controllers who need the information, whether they have already received the information, and their visibility ranges. All this is very much setup-specific, possibly even depending on personal preference, so a globally useful solution is not possible. It is always possible to manually broadcast the information using the "Publish" item in the Stand menu. It does require remembering to make a couple of mouse clicks, but works anywhere as long as the controllers agree on who makes it and when.

@Pazhani Ragunathan Please check that your definition actually is 255,255,255 (the color for the labels in the picture is 225,225,255 which leads me to think there's just a typo in the file)

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