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TopSky plugin 2.5 beta 2

Juha Holopainen

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Juha Holopainen

For users of the Finnish setup, the attached package contains plugin data files and EuroScope settings files compatible with the beta version. Overwrite the existing files with the ones in this package to get the intended behavior (must be repeated every time the sector package is updated as it contains the files compatible with plugin version 2.4).

No changes from beta 1.



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Bernardo Reis (1096507)

Juha, would it be possible to change the drawing of the APM area to reflect the Rmin?

Currently the drawing starts at the Tdp coordinates and extends up to Rmax, making it a bit difficult to gauge the Rmin.

For reference, this is how the APM IRL looks like:




Regarding the Upper winds, it does not crash Euroscope anymore, however it seems that it is missing wind data:


Edited by Bernardo Reis (1096507)
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Juha Holopainen
32 minutes ago, Bernardo Reis (1096507) said:

Juha, would it be possible to change the drawing of the APM area to reflect the Rmin?

You mean when viewing the data file contents for debug purposes? For areas defined using APM_AREA, possibly yes, depending on whether the code doesn't have any use for the lost data. I'll have to check. For areas defined using COORD lines, no, that's just too much work given it's only a display issue.

32 minutes ago, Bernardo Reis (1096507) said:

Regarding the Upper winds, it does not crash Euroscope anymore, however it seems that it is missing wind data

When not online, the window doesn't actually download any data, just sets up ISA everywhere for testing purposes. I'm trying to be nice to the various data providers by not downloading data unless it's necessary and in hope that it remains freely available. Currently any proxy instances will always download the live data as they don't know whether the main instance is connected to the network or not.

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Bernardo Reis (1096507)
1 hour ago, Juha Holopainen said:

You mean when viewing the data file contents for debug purposes? For areas defined using APM_AREA, possibly yes

Perfect, this is what I wanted.


1 hour ago, Juha Holopainen said:

When not online, the window doesn't actually download any data, just sets up ISA everywhere for testing purposes. I'm trying to be nice to the various data providers by not downloading data unless it's necessary and in hope that it remains freely available. Currently any proxy instances will always download the live data as they don't know whether the main instance is connected to the network or not.

Understood, now that I'm online it indeed downloads Upper wind data. Do the DAPs parameters take into account the wind at the position in the upper winds or the actual airplane position?

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Bernardo Reis (1096507)

Seems like the ASP window is ignoring the sign + or - in the speed. You set 30+ and the tag item displays 30, when you check the ASP window again it is just showing 300kts assigned.

Speaking of the ASP window, since we now have DAPs, can we have the value for ASP centered in the calculated IAS or MACH?

Edited by Bernardo Reis (1096507)
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Erik Wachters (815026)

I'm trying to setup the "Remote activation" for the areas to make our system work as before.

Am I correct to see this as the previous TopSkyAreasManualAct.txt?

If I enter the following line in the settings nothing happens and the areas are not loaded:

Question is: How to put this in white....

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Matisse VanWezer (1385143)

I have a similar issue as Erik, but with the AUP.

In settings I have defined


In ManualAreas.txt


In the Topskyareas file

N49.47.35 E005.42.37
N49.41.37 E005.16.24

However, the area does not become active this way.

When I used an incorrect format in the manualareas.txt I did get a formatting error in the personal queue - as expected - so it does read it. 



EDIT: It does work now... Same settings 🤷‍♂️

Well, it did until it didn't again. 😂 

Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that it only "downloads"/reads the file when I open ES?

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Matisse VanWezer (1385143)
5 hours ago, Juha Holopainen said:

I'm trying to be nice to the various data providers by not downloading data unless it's necessary and in hope that it remains freely available. 

If in the future you experience problems with this, this API might be worth taking a look at Open-Meteo.com 

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Juha Holopainen
5 hours ago, Bernardo Reis (1096507) said:

Understood, now that I'm online it indeed downloads Upper wind data. Do the DAPs parameters take into account the wind at the position in the upper winds or the actual airplane position?

Interpolated wind/temp at the actual position

3 hours ago, Bernardo Reis (1096507) said:

Seems like the ASP window is ignoring the sign + or - in the speed. You set 30+ and the tag item displays 30, when you check the ASP window again it is just showing 300kts assigned.

Speaking of the ASP window, since we now have DAPs, can we have the value for ASP centered in the calculated IAS or MACH?

The +/- items in the COOPANS ASP menu appear to be still WIP. There are also some graphical issues in menus with DAPs when the track in question does not have DAPs available, but I'll get them sorted out eventually.

2 hours ago, Erik Wachters (815026) said:

I'm trying to setup the "Remote activation" for the areas to make our system work as before.

Am I correct to see this as the previous TopSkyAreasManualAct.txt?

This is correct. It may or may not work at the moment though, I haven't tested that functionality at all yet.

1 hour ago, Matisse VanWezer (1385143) said:

EDIT: It does work now... Same settings 🤷‍♂️

Well, it did until it didn't again. 😂 

Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that it only "downloads"/reads the file when I open ES?

I'm afraid I didn't quite follow. Did it end up working or not?

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Bernardo Reis (1096507)

Thanks for the response.


I haven't had time to test because I was really busy but it seemed like the waypoint menu (or NPT, can't remember the name) for CPDLC tracks is stuck in CPDLC. I tried to assign DCTs via R/T but the selection didn't change. If anyone could confirm

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Matisse VanWezer (1385143)
15 hours ago, Juha Holopainen said:

I'm afraid I didn't quite follow. Did it end up working or not?

It did end up working, yes. 

The areas activate when launching ES. However, when you reload the TopskyAreas.txt file, the area no longer (re)activates. 

I assume that was the issue here. 

Edited by Matisse VanWezer (1385143)
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Bernardo Reis (1096507)

Juha, would it be possible to add additional window states?

The goal would be to define which windows download data at the beggining, even if they start closed.

Would be useful for NOTAM, Upper winds, etc

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Juha Holopainen
On 08/06/2023 at 18:11, Bernardo Reis (1096507) said:

Speaking of the ASP window, since we now have DAPs, can we have the value for ASP centered in the calculated IAS or MACH?

It depends(tm). In the non-COOPANS setup in most cases you will, but on COOPANS the initially centered value depends on a number of things. Sometimes it's the DAP value, sometimes it's something else.

On 08/06/2023 at 22:32, Bernardo Reis (1096507) said:

I haven't had time to test because I was really busy but it seemed like the waypoint menu (or NPT, can't remember the name) for CPDLC tracks is stuck in CPDLC. I tried to assign DCTs via R/T but the selection didn't change.

The copy/paste-method of writing code only works up to a certain point. The R/T <-> CPDLC toggle in the Waypoint menu was adjusting the corresponding setting in the AHDG menu instead...

18 hours ago, Bernardo Reis (1096507) said:

The goal would be to define which windows download data at the beggining, even if they start closed.

Intentional design philosophy to not download data without it being obvious to the user. No plans to change. Settings-wise, you could initially open the airspace management and upper winds windows and then close them in position-specific settings if they're not wanted.

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Bernardo Reis (1096507)

Since we are speaking of VATSIM, can we make the NRAC default 1?

This would hide the "n" in the labels other than extended

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Ahti Matilainen (1470273)

Directs inserted via COPX->ROUTING don't go to the proxy instances. Not sure if they go to other controllers, haven't got to try that out yet...

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Alexander Arlow

It appears that Styles are no longer considered in TopSkyMaps.txt for maps referencing to SCTFILEDATA. Everything is drawn "Solid".

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Alexander Arlow

Juha, could you kindly clarify what the impact of No_Fix in TopSkyAirspace.txt is? How does the definition of mandatory waypoints impact the simulated HMI/FDP?

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Alexander Arlow

Feature Suggestion:

Currently, when the XPDR-Equip in the FPL is "C" for example, no DAPs are being displayed.

Please give the dataset-dev the option to ignore filed equipment in regard to displaying Mode-S DAPs. A lot of pilots file with mode C only whereas in reality as well as for all purposes of the simulation on VATSIM, basically every aircraft is Mode-S equipped. Yes, not all of them may send DAPs in RL, but this is a concession to the simulation I - and maybe others - am willing to make.

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Alexander Arlow

Bugreport - 

I have assumed an aircraft that had IAS 280-kts assigned by the upstream sector (Topsky 2.4). When opening the ASP window there was a display bug where the assigned speed was not shown at all. See screenshot:


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Alexander Arlow

XFL Filter filters out aircraft it is not supposed to filter. See screenshots (nevermind the double IAS and mach numbers)

This is the situation:

XFL for EWG6263 is FL130. RYR5LU should NOT be filtered out; as well as others, but he sticks out.




Another situation (XFL for BVI27MR is FL180)



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Juha Holopainen
On 13/06/2023 at 16:08, Ahti Matilainen (1470273) said:

Directs inserted via COPX->ROUTING don't go to the proxy instances. Not sure if they go to other controllers, haven't got to try that out yet...

I'm not sure either if they go to other controllers either, but can confirm that they are not transmitted to other instances, regardless of whether the direct was given in the main or a proxy instance. This appears to be a bug in EuroScope - the "SetDirectToPointName" function doesn't communicate the set point. The other similar functions for setting the assigned heading, speed and vertical rate work correctly. I'll code a workaround for this (apparently I've come across this issue earlier as the "Point" option in the AHDG menu uses the workaround already...)

On 13/06/2023 at 20:23, Alexander Arlow said:

It appears that Styles are no longer considered in TopSkyMaps.txt for maps referencing to SCTFILEDATA. Everything is drawn "Solid".

I'll look into it.

On 14/06/2023 at 11:14, Alexander Arlow said:

Juha, could you kindly clarify what the impact of No_Fix in TopSkyAirspace.txt is? How does the definition of mandatory waypoints impact the simulated HMI/FDP?

No impact on FDP. If the aircraft's parsed route does not include any of the defined points for its ADES, the "no fix" indicator will be displayed in the label. If no mandatory points have been defined for the ADES, the indicator will not be displayed.

23 hours ago, Alexander Arlow said:

RDF is massively delayed. Appears late, disappears late.

I don't recall any specific changes to RDF so this may have been a VATSIM issue as well. I'll check anyway, just need to be online to troubleshoot.

21 hours ago, Alexander Arlow said:

I have assumed an aircraft that had IAS 280-kts assigned by the upstream sector (Topsky 2.4). When opening the ASP window there was a display bug where the assigned speed was not shown at all.

Should be already fixed, available in the next build.

19 hours ago, Alexander Arlow said:

XFL Filter filters out aircraft it is not supposed to filter. See screenshots (nevermind the double IAS and mach numbers)

XFL for EWG6263 is FL130. RYR5LU should NOT be filtered out; as well as others, but he sticks out.

Another situation (XFL for BVI27MR is FL180)

Both cases would at least seem to work as designed. For the XFL filter the level band for the selected aircraft is either CFL-XFL or PEL-XFL depending on the state. In both of those cases it'll be CFL-XFL. Unless I interpret the labels wrong, in both cases the selected aircraft are cleared to their XFL so the level band will be just the one level. The displayed aircraft (their level bands being AFL to PEL/CFL/AFL depending on state) look about right to me.

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Bernardo Reis (1096507)

Seems like this setting is not turning on DIAS on unselected labels when connected with an APP callsign

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Nikita Zikeev (1475694)

Tried AUP with .json file, but it doesn't work. How it can be fixed?




{"notice info":{"valid_wef":"2023-06-16T23:17:30"},"areas":[{"name":"UHR1318","minimum_fl":100,"maximum_fl":200,"start_datetime":"2023-06-16T06:00:00","end_datetime":"2023-06-17T11:00:00"}]}


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