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[14th Nov, 20-01z] Cargo Night Sweden

Martin Tornberg (1069087)

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Martin Tornberg (1069087)


When you and I have gone to sleep a long time ago some other pilots have just got to work. That is the world of pilots hauling cargo throughout the global world. Vatsim-Scandinavia and the Swedish ATC team would like to welcome pilots to the night shift for some cargo flying.

14th November starting at 20z and continuing for 5 hours Sweden will be staffed with enroute coverage together with Stockholm-Arlanda and regional airports as well.

Pilots are encouraged to book one or more of the real based flights to make it as real as it gets for this event. There is both long haul flights and short haul domestic flights available and we assure there is one that suites you.

We hope to see you online on Saturday evening for some interesting cargo flights within Sweden and abroad.

Pilot Briefing


Edited by Aleksander Storma
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Martin Loxbo (811805)

I tried to find this event on our website to check the bookings, but I can't find it! Shouldn't events be clearly advertised on the site? :|

Also the pilot briefing is just linking to our front page. Maybe it would be better to actually link to those airport pages that are available?

Edited by Martin Loxbo
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Martin Tornberg (1069087)

Forgot about that. Have been a lot of things to do lately. If someone can do that it would be good. 

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Martin Loxbo (811805)

I've done vroute for you. What about our own website? It's a bit strange not to find the event under Events! ;)

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Jouka Ahponen (1239359)
2 hours ago, Martin Loxbo said:

Also nothing on Facebook. @Martin Tornberg or @Aleksander Storma, can you take care of it?

Of course something can be posted on Facebook now. But in my opinion Facebook advertising works best when it's published on the day of the event few hours before the event starts. That's because Facebook timeline moves rather fast and if it appears now on the timeline of the people who have "liked" our page will forget the whole event as the event announcement is visible there for few hours after all. Of course it can be found later on our Facebook page but who has time to go there to check for events.

But sure something could be posted now to get people's attention so they can maybe start planning something for that date. And then post another one on the day of the event.

Martin, if you want I am sure that @Magnus Gustafsson is able to give you rights to update the vatsim scandinavia facebook.


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Martin Loxbo (811805)

I see your point Jouka, but in the case of an event with flight bookings it's good to have some time in advance to be able to book a flight, both for pilots and for us to plan the ATC staffing. And surely the Facebook post can be bumped later if required?

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Martin Loxbo (811805)

Thanks Magnus!

To me it doesn't matter much if I get a post today or in a few days, as long as it gets done. As I said before, since we are hoping for pilots to book flights they need some time to prepare. Also it's a Saturday night so people need to know in advance in case they might otherwise create other plans.

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Jouka Ahponen (1239359)

Yes Martin, that's what I suggested in the end. Have one now and one on the event day. I think that should give the best results.

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Marcin Gwiazdzinski

If you don't mind, I have two questions. Sorry if it's mentioned somewhere, but I wasn't able to find such information.

The first question regarding booking page: "Time" = time of arrival, am I right? It's not obvious for me, because some bookings are between 18:00z - 20:00z, but according to the event description it should start on 20:00z.

Is it any chance that for example Denmark and Norway will be online too? Or if anyone wants to have ATC for full event time, it's better to do the domestic flights in Sweden. It can be little troublesome for P3D users as I don't know so many Swedish airports working good in P3D v2.5 or V3, but what to do... we have to deal with such situation 9_9 For example I was trying to consider the flight from ESGG (RC-Desing) to ESNN (FTX Global Freeware Airports Pack), but such booking is not available. I presume you will not have anything against such flight, but maybe for future it can be considered to add some "free slots", which can be created by the pilot.



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Martin Loxbo (811805)

Hi Marcin!

I'm sorry that it isn't clear on the website, but the times in the flight list should be departure times ( @Martin Tornberg please correct me if I'm wrong!). Given the nature of cargo and mail flights though, you can see the times as a guideline. Even in real life the planes won't take off until they have the cargo loaded, so it won't be a problem if your flight is "late".

What we were hoping for with this event is the special feeling at ESSA around midnight, when it's almost like a real life fly-in with all the mail flights coming in from around the country and then leaving after exchanging their cargo. Unfortunately it looks like we don't have so many bookings, especially for domestic flights. You are of course free to fly any flights you like, but if you can do a domestic flight to ESSA and then one flight from ESSA it helps us giving the "fly-in feel" of this event. :)

For your route example ESNN to ESGG there is SWN8741 which stops in ESOE on the way, but I would suggest doing the stop in ESSA to fly for example ESNN-ESSA-ESGG or ESGG-ESSA-ESGJ to give you a variety of flights and realistic routes at the same time!

One scenery package that should work in P3D is Sweden Design by Lennart Arvidsson (http://www.flightsim.se/fs/produkt/sweden-design-1/). The first package includes among other airports ESGJ and ESMX which may be of interest to you. I also know that Lennart is busy with expanding his Sweden Design project to more airports and more parts of Sweden, so stay tuned for more high quality FSX/P3D freeware scenery! (If you search for Sweden Design on Facebook you should find lots of pictures of the project.)

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Martin Tornberg (1069087)

Yes every flight mentioned on the booking page is departure time- Therefore you might see some flight "outside" of the actual event time but that means the traffic will arrive in Sweden within 20-01z. :)

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Marcin Gwiazdzinski

Thanks a lot for all your explanations and suggestions.

I will check the airports created by Lennart Arvidsson. I hope the approach and runway lights are working in P3D v2.5

In case of ESSA... I really really would like to fly to ESSA. But as soon as it's not fully compatibile with P3D v2.5 I don't want to install it, even with Migration Tool. But I hope to do some traffic in Sweden, especially as I love such night events. Huge thanks to all you guys for creating such option for the VATSIM pilots.

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Marcin Gwiazdzinski

FYI: I'd like only to confirm that both ESMX and ESGJ are working in P3D v2.5 without any problems. Thanks for the tip-off!

And the last question - do you know if there is any ESMS Malmo Sturup airport scenery, which should work in FSX / P3D? 

Edited by Marcin Gwiazdzinski
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Martin Loxbo (811805)
28 minutes ago, Marcin Gwiazdzinski said:

And the last question - do you know if there is any ESMS Malmo Sturup airport scenery, which should work in FSX / P3D? 

There was a package called SWED 2011 also made by Lennart Arvidsson, but officially I don't think it's available anymore. However, I googled it and you can probably still find the scenery somewhere on the internet. :) Note that as I remember there was a problem with ILS at ESMS as it was not correctly positioned, so you might want to check it before flying an ILS approach!

More good news is that Lennart is working on a new version of ESMS but it will probably take a few months until it's released.

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Marcin Gwiazdzinski

Thanks a lot Martin - Uncle Google helps me indeed 9_9

According to this post - thttp://scandinavian-va.net/forums/index.php?/topic/2791-esms-scenery-fsx-by-lennart-a/ - I presume it was available in the downloads section, but after forum changes it's not available there any more. Therefore if you are able to find it somewhere, I will appreciate it B|

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Martin Stockzell (1294494)

Great, it seems that I had lost mine. It's not perfect, but it helps a bit. Don't try to autoland with it though ;)

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