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TopSky plugin 2.2.1 beta 10

Juha Holopainen

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Juha Holopainen

A new beta version is available:

TopSky plugin version 2.2.1 beta 10

Main changes from beta 9:

  • Various bug fixes
  • Areas data file syntax changed (only one area type per area allowed, user text display options added to "categorydef" line)
  • SSR data file syntax changed ("priority" line type added to replace "mandatory" and "secondary")
  • Settings added (various "Window_*" ones, "System_GUI_Scale_*", "Setup_ScreenLat", etc.)

Even though the change list isn't that long, there are thousands of changes in the code caused by the graphics scaling options. The design scale is still "1.0" and the goal is that everything will work and look correct with that scale. Other scales may have minor graphical issues but no issues affecting the operation. Due to the vast number of changes there may be graphical and/or operational issues, please report any that you come across. Some issues may only appear with the relevant scale setting set to other than 1 (for example if I've overlooked some part of the code so that it isn't fully responding to the scale setting).

The Vertical Aid Window and the Stack Manager Windows haven't been "scale-enabled" yet, so the fact that they don't respond to the scale settings is not a bug.

The mouse cursor scaling can now be done using the setting "System_GUI_Scale_Cursors", so the previously used optional big cursors are no longer required. A good place for the setting is at the top of the local settings data file.

Edited by Juha Holopainen
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Juha Holopainen

Apologies for any quick downloaders, but I realized the dll in the file wasn't the latest code. I've updated the zip now, please download again to get the right dll.

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Alexander Arlow
16 hours ago, Alexander Arlow said:

Thanks Juha! Is CPDLC free text among the fixed bugs by any chance?

Well, I can answer that myself now - Free text is now working as intended, great job! :)

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Juha Holopainen
On 2/5/2020 at 6:32 PM, Alexander Arlow said:

System_GUI_Scale_Cursors creates an errormessage.

The cursors scale though, so the error message is false in this case (unless the setting is found in a login callsign specific part of the settings file). I'll adjust the settings loading code to be more accurate in this case.

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Christian Kovanen (1379372)

@Juha Holopainen

If you open the Window_CPDLC_Setting window automatically it doesn't fill in the login name even on stations where the login name is predefined. So you end up having to close the window and open it again for it to be filled in automatically. I assume this is not intended?

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Juha Holopainen

I knew there was a reason I hadn't made it possible to open the window using the settings earlier... Having the window opened automatically means I'll have to figure out the best way to deal with changes to the window data (login and the options at the bottom part) that may take place at any time before or after the window is opened. I'll put my thinking cap on...

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Jakob Arne Bronstad (1000634)
During the event today we had to use holdings. Once an aircraft has passed a waypoint (ripam) then we cannot put the "aircraft" into the holding list. 
We had to wait until the "plane" was on the downwind leg of the holding.
We tried to put the aircraft DTC RIPAM but it did not show up in the HOLD (on tag menu)
Is this a bug?

We are using Topsky 2.2.1 beta 10

Edited by Jakob Arne Bronstad

Jakob Brønstad
Sectorfile Department Polaris FIR


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Jan Doehring (1356262)

I found a bug I think: With the latest beta I can' t remove a QDM between two radar targets by right-clicking in the middle anymore. I double-checked with the latest non-beta version and removing them works there. XQDM works, but removes all QDMs as intended.

Edited by Jan Doehring
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Arvid Hansson (1162891)
3 hours ago, Thomas Ljung said:

How do I update?

Download the beta build from the link in the first post and overwrite your current files.

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Thomas Ljung (1253198)
12 hours ago, Arvid Hansson said:

Download the beta build from the link in the first post and overwrite your current files.

What about the folders in the build? And some files named "beta"? 

Looked at an earlier version.
My bad - I have been in the sun to long :)

Edited by Thomas Ljung
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Little Problems found ;o)

// RDF:
// If RCV VOI is set in the ES "Voice communication setup", RDF is not working. If it is deactivated, it works perfectly.
-> Somehow it works now, even if RCV VOI is activated.

If DEP/DES are the same, PDC is not showing up in Depature List. Confirmation to the Pilot are send out though.

Edited by Michael Eyecold
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Juha Holopainen
On 2/10/2020 at 10:42 PM, Jan Doehring said:

I found a bug I think: With the latest beta I can' t remove a QDM between two radar targets by right-clicking in the middle anymore. I double-checked with the latest non-beta version and removing them works there. XQDM works, but removes all QDMs as intended.

The clickspot is there, it just has a wrong (practically random) id. I'll fix that.

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Juha Holopainen
On 2/15/2020 at 12:51 AM, Michael Eyecold said:


If DEP/DES are the same, PDC is not showing up in Depature List. Confirmation to the Pilot are send out though.

I'm going to need a bit more information about this. By "Confirmation to the Pilot are send out though" do you mean that all the intended datalink messages including the "clearance confirmed" one are sent correctly? And "PDC is not showing up in Depature List" means what exactly? Do none of the stages display, or just some of them? If some of them work, which ones are not shown?

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2 hours ago, Juha Holopainen said:

I'm going to need a bit more information about this. By "Confirmation to the Pilot are send out though" do you mean that all the intended datalink messages including the "clearance confirmed" one are sent correctly? And "PDC is not showing up in Depature List" means what exactly? Do none of the stages display, or just some of them? If some of them work, which ones are not shown?

Sorry for that bad informations provided. There is nothing shown in the depature list, not even the initial request. Only noticed this by checking out Hoppie-Log afer receiving the PDC-Sound a few times without anything shown in the depature list. Pilot only receivces the "PDC is being processed, standby". Hope you get what I mean ;o)

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Juha Holopainen

And when ADEP/ADES are not the same, everything works properly? At first glance I don't see anything in the code that would prevent it from working with local flights, but I'll keep looking. Do you remember the date and callsign of the flight that was affected?

EDIT: checked using a test setup and a local flight was handled just fine, so we'd need to find out what caused the issue in your case. The code only actively removes information of an ongoing datalink clearance process when the flight is in transfer state (either to or from you) or more than 10nm from its departure airport.

Edited by Juha Holopainen
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Jakob Arne Bronstad (1000634)

If the aircraft is not flying in real time the PDC won't go through. Can that be the case?

Jakob Brønstad
Sectorfile Department Polaris FIR


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It was this flight:

GAF3CM   02/14/20  

He used FSLAbs A321 - the real time issue might have been a Problem (P3D), BUT: he first filed a flightplan from EDDR to EDDR. He tried to send the PDC a few times, I only received audio-signal for PDC and one milliseconds  flashing R in the depature list(also checked hoppie-log), which was gone after that mentioned milli(...)milliseconds. When he refiled a flightplan from EDDR to EDDS, everything worked fine. He didn't do a restart on the sim either. So it can't be a time issue.
And it won't be anything about incorret location or a transfer state - there hasn't been any transfer.

Thx guys!


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Juha Holopainen

So far I haven't been able to reproduce the issue. If it happens again, take note of the details (callsign, time) and also save a logfile of the session. If you have time, also take a screenshot of the hoppie log showing the messages that were received and sent (with the "show packet content" option active so all the message contents can be seen). The plugin sending the "standby" message would seem to indicate that the clearance request message was checked ok by the code and waiting next for controller acceptance, but then for some reason the request got marked as discarded, invalid or the information about it lost.

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Martin Stockzell (1294494)

Dont know if this is a bug or if I have some bad settings somewhere. I tried the creat apl from an uncorrelated tag:



and this major blank box appeared out of nowhere:



Dont really feel like is something that's supposed to happen? :)

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Juha Holopainen

As you might have figured out, the blank box is the background of the Create APL Window, just with its coordinates messed up. A result of the newly introduced window scaling code missing a couple of parameters in that case. I'll get that sorted out.

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