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Event suggestions

Aleksander Storma (1145889)

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Aleksander Storma (1145889)

It would be really nice to hear your ideas about what kind of events you'd like to see in the future, so don't hesitate to post them down there ;)

Edited by Aleksander Storma
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  • 1 month later...
Martin Stockzell (1294494)

I noticed that Finland tried to have a VFR-event at Malmi, that didn't quite go so well.

Might I suggest a combined swedish/finnish mini-event with focus on VFR and other non-jets at EFMA. This island has a interesting history in regards to the both countries so we could maybe build on that.

Might even make it a "mini-shuttle" to/from ESSB or EFTU?

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Aleksander Storma (1145889)

Good idea, but when it comes to VFR events we need to have weather as well, keep in mind that autumn is coming ;) So if we'd go for this event I'd suggest to do it no later than during winter.

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Martin Stockzell (1294494)

True, it's hard to know the weather earlier then a couple of days before.

Since Åland is known (for many swedes) as a place you visit during the summer, it could be a last farewell to the summer of 2015 :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oslo overload or something when the snow and/or bad weather sets in :D


Some kind of storm event would be fun. I know. Little bit crazy but it still would be fun.

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Håvard Halvorsen (1284176)

Oslo overload or something when the snow and/or bad weather sets in :D

Oslo overload with Low Visibility Procedures with 12 nm spacing on final and 2 min start-up intervals.... 9_9

Sounds like fun :D

Håvard Halvorsen
Training Director

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  • 3 weeks later...
Aleksander Storma (1145889)

Well, actually I'm in the planning stage for event for Norway in Dec, I think Tromso/Bodo sounds like fun ;)

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Erling Torstensen
1 hour ago, Aleksander Storma said:

Well, actually I'm in the planning stage for event for Norway in Dec, I think Tromso/Bodo sounds like fun ;)

Is that a part of the annual Fly and See Santa event?


I would suggest to have an event in the south at either Vigra, Kjevik or Sola. I remember we hosted Stavanger in Motion a couple of years ago which was a huge success. I know that some guys are working on Oslo Realtime at the moment. As we speak about Oslo, when was last time we did an Oslo Overload? :)

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Aleksander Storma (1145889)

No, it's not the part of Fly and See Santa.

So would you rather have event in the north with Tromso and Bodo or you'd rather have something like ENAL and ENVA ?

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Erling Torstensen

As Tromsø is a part of Fly and See Santa (isn't it?), I would suggest a Møre fly-in. Ålesund alone would be nice, of course, but there are no delivery or ground frequency there. Depending on the availability of controllers, we could include ENKB and ENML. If we don't have enough controllers we should host an event at ENAL only. That's my opinion though :)

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Erling Torstensen
3 hours ago, Vegard Hauan said:

As always, i vote for Tromsø and Bodø, since Molde have like 3(+) parking spots

As I said (Maybe I didn't make myself too clear): If we do a Molde event, I suggest we include Ålesund. We would focus on Ålesund at first, but if we have a lot of controllers available we could expand :)

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Vegard Hauan (1254929)
5 hours ago, Erling Torstensen said:

As I said (Maybe I didn't make myself too clear): If we do a Molde event, I suggest we include Ålesund. We would focus on Ålesund at first, but if we have a lot of controllers available we could expand :)

But since we would get traffic to Molde, there's another problem. Molde is a an AFIS airport, and we always get people who don't know a sh*t about "Runway occupied". But Aalesund sounds cool ;)


Edited by Vegard Hauan
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Magnus Meese (997444)

That problem reflects real life, I've heard several Mediterranean charter pilots hesitantly reply "errrroger cleared to land" when told "runway free". As long as you're able to make the pilot understand wether he'll be landing on top of someone else or not, it should be fine. And I'll have you know we got at least 5 spots with adequate wingtip clearance for 737s/A320s! We're an important international aerodrome, damnit! xD

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  • 1 month later...
Magnus Gustafsson (880543)

I did find this version of advertising text from 2009 when most probably @Hakan Schulz and I arranged this event!

Would I like to participate in this event again, absolutely :) !


[img width=603 height=100]http://www.vaccsca.org/event/images/090222_esgg_600.jpg

Welcome to GÖTEBORG OVERLOAD 2009!  

VACCSCA warmly invites You to join a special Overload Event at
the second largest airport in Sweden. Göteborg-Landvetter (ESGG)
will be fully staffed including ground, tower, final, approach east and
west as well as center to provide the best possible service!

There is one runway at Landvetter and especially during this time of
the year the conditions could be really challenging with strong winds,
heavy snow and possibly limited visibility, since the airport is located
at the west coast of Sweden. Come and enjoy practicing Your skills
as pilot!

Despite the potential though weather conditions expect to meet a warm
and busy atmosphere with friendly professional controllers and a lot of
fellow pilots joining in at Göteborg-Landvetter (ESGG) at the evening
22th of February!

Why not fly a real life domestic, international or cargo flight for
Scandinavian, Lufthansa or KLM? Take a flight from one of the more
common destinations like Copenhagen, Arlanda or Gardemoen or a more
special City Airline flight to/from for example Tallin, Birmingham or Luleå?

For pilot information regarding Göteborg-Landvetter, please,
have a look at:


Crucial information for pilots!   


You can expect heavy traffic load in the vicinity of Göteborg and there
might be enroute as well as TMA holdings.

Please, prepare well and:
* study the charts under the pilot information link
* fly an aircraft you are familiar with
* program the published holdings in the FMC, if you don't need them
during the approach they could easily be deleted

There might be many pilots on the frequency. Please, listen carefully
to ATC instructions and make an effort to readback promtly and carry
out the action swiftly and correctly. This will make sure all pilots
gets smooth flights to and from Göteborg.

Mark the 22nd of February 17.00z - 22.00z in your calender and
fly Göteborg Overload the 2009 edition! Welcome!


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Otto Suhonen
On 2.1.2016 at 1:34 PM, Magnus Gustafsson said:

I did find this version of advertising text from 2009 when most probably @Hakan Schulz and I arranged this event!

Would I like to participate in this event again, absolutely :) !


Sounds like little bit like same as fly and see santa. I think there will be some holdings too. Sounds interesting and I would definitely like to fly that!

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Magnus Gustafsson (880543)
1 hour ago, Otto Suhonen said:

Sounds like little bit like same as fly and see santa. I think there will be some holdings too. Sounds interesting and I would definitely like to fly that!

During those days it was holdings al over the place :)



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Damon Hemstrom Burton (1270930)

?? I would definitely enjoy that event! Btw, UK do a similar event iirc at Birmingham, about same size as Landvetter if not slightly larger, over two days, so on one day it'd be Realtime flights and the next day any flight.... But that would need a lot of dedicated staff. 

Regardless, I would definitely be interested... Never flown at Landvetter with full ATC and never seen _F_APP in use :-) 

Med vänliga hälsningar | With kind regards

Damon Hemström Burton (1270930) 

5aa038026e870_Louise-Swinglish-Flagsmall.jpg.738ae05b06b664de8db44b0a1bb6cc48.jpg Jag svarar kanske på Engelska då det ser konstigt ut när jag skriver på Svenska även om jag förstår allt ni säger...

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Otto Suhonen
1 hour ago, Damon Hemstrom Burton said:

?? I would definitely enjoy that event! Btw, UK do a similar event iirc at Birmingham, about same size as Landvetter if not slightly larger, over two days, so on one day it'd be Realtime flights and the next day any flight.... But that would need a lot of dedicated staff. 

Regardless, I would definitely be interested... Never flown at Landvetter with full ATC and never seen _F_APP in use :-) 

Would you please add a link for that Birmingham event.

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