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How to set up towerview with vPilot, Euroscope and Prepar3d/FSX

Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

This tutorial will show controllers how to properly set up a tower view with the FSX/Prepar3d multiplayer tower cab and not just a camera angle.

The result will be something like this:


Picture from ENGM on a slow morning :)


FSX Deluxe, FSX steam or Prepar3d

Minimum vPilot v2.0.1.2 - http://vpilot.metacraft.com/Download.aspx

Minimum Euroscope build version (3.2a(r12)) - http://www.euroscope.hu/installbeta/changes.html

AI Model pack (WOAI, UT2, UTL, etc.)

Edit 05.03.18 - BHS
For Prepar3d v4 and up you require compatible AI-models.
Ultimate Traffic Live

vPilot AI pack (google it. Private distribution)
Alpha India Group has updated several of the most popular models.
ORBX has a pack (all Australian registrations, but you can add your own repaints), get it here, install with FTX Central.



Setting up your simulator tower view:

In your simulator start a multiplayer scenario as Air Traffic Controller, select your airport. (Date, time and weather are irrelevant at this stage)
When you have set your preferences, DO NOT start flight/scenario.

Select save scenario/flight and name it something smart. i.e. ENGM_TWR, ESSA_TWR. This way you could have multiple views predefined for different airports

Exit multiplayer.

From “select flight/scenario” screen, select your tower flight, load it and check that your tower cab is positioned at the correct location and altitude. If location and altitude is correct, move on to get viewing, if not continue below.

To correct location and altitude go to C:\Users\*username*\Documents\FSX/Prepar3d. Or wherever you have saved your flights/scenarios.

Open your ENGM_TWR.fsxml / ENGM_TWR.flt (filetype depends on simulator) or similar in notepad. Search for “Simvars.0”.
In this simVars section you’ll find:


These are the interesting values. If your lat/lon location is wrong change it with these values. (Get tower position from AIP, google maps etc.

Set the altitude to match the tower height. I use Slew to get correct altitude. (Use the same number of digits).
If you put your airplane inside the tower you can read of your preferred altitude. I prefer to place my cab on the roof of the modeled tower. This is to prevent looking through the models walls, with the artifacts that could bring.

For ENGM I use Altitude= +001000.00

When all data is changed, save file and exit.

Setup complete


Get viewing

Start your simulator, load the previously created tower flight/scenario, set wanted time and weather (or use preferred weather generator).

Start Euroscope.
The proxy server shouldn’t be a factor for tower view, but if you want multiple instances of ES make sure the proxy is started.

Start vPilot
in vPilot command line type “.towerview”. vPilot should now show the message “Connected as observer”. This trough Euroscope, and is therefore not a dual connection to VATSIM.

That’s it. You should now start seeing planes on your airport and in the skies around


Nice to know:

In vPilot type “.debug” to get a debugging window open which will show you any error messages. Typically “Model not assigned for ABC123”.

In vPilot type “.aircraft” to show a window containing information about all planes loaded in the sim by vPilot.

Error message “Model not assigned for ABC123” can mean several things:

You do not have any aircraft matching the plane. Solution – install model and livery.
At the time there might be a bug/error in Euroscope that prevents the correct packets being sent if the pilot uses FSinn as pilot client. Solution – no solution yet, awaiting Gergely.



Model matching in vPilot should be automatic, but if any doubt I recommend “vmrgenerator” to generate a ruleset based on your installed models.

Edit: 02.03.18 - BHS:
Latest version of vmrgenerator is said not to support vPilot due to vPilot's own modelmatching.

Edited by Bjoern Helge Smaavollan
P3D v4 info
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  • 2 weeks later...
Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

That one's new. I know there could be some issues with Active Sky if you have turbulence active. The tower cab will wobble.

Try set up a new scenario file if you didn't solve it :)


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Henrik Sonstebo (1203470)

Active Sky er nok synderen ja... Skal teste ut uten turb!


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  • 2 months later...
Casper Hvid

For some reason I do not see the planes.

I am logged in as an OBS via the .towerview, my modelmatching is set up correctly but still no luck

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Lukas Agerskov (1226374)

did you update to the latest beta version of euroscope? that's needed. 

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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)
7 hours ago, Casper Hvid said:

For some reason I do not see the planes.

I am logged in as an OBS via the .towerview, my modelmatching is set up correctly but still no luck

You must log on the Network via Euroscope. Then you connect with vPilot and .towerview.

Also make sure you have vPilot v2 and above and ES r12 or above.


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  • 3 months later...
Jimmy Stigsjoo (1397725)

@Henrik Sonstebo i assume that you got it fixed already, but the floating tower is caused by camera addons,  for me disabling EZdok fixed it.


But to use the topic , i need help since i can't get custom viewpoint to work.

Getting the actual tower viewpoint is no problem, but i cant change the viewpoint to another location.

I am using FSX on Windows 10, and i am currently trying to change ESGG ( Landvetter ) towerview , on which i am using RC Design Scenery.

I do as it says in the guide above, i create a mission and save it.  I try to open the save and it works fine.  but as soon as i make the slightest change to the Coordinates on the " simvars.0 " , the saved flight no longer appears when i try to load a save ingame.

Any ideas on what i am doing wrong?

The current tower location on ESGG is behind the building, so i cant actually see any stands or the runway, so i just want to move it to the other side of the runway..  seems so simple, but no matter what i try it fails.   Please send help :)

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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

@Jimmy Stigsjoo

Camera addons are not the only culprits for the camera wobbeling. I don't use such, and have only experienced it with Active Sky's turbulence.

As for your question, I understand that your tower position is on the correct place in regards to lat/lon. The question then is if you have the right altitude? As mentioned in my guide when setting up for Oslo that view is also behind the buildings until I raise the tower cab using simvars altitude section.

If you still want to move, you need to use the same number of digits to make it work, as well as the same format.


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  • 1 month later...
Jimmy Stigsjoo (1397725)

Thanks for the help, and i managed to fix it all and got the towerview working without issues.

My issue now is current time/weather.

If i make a save file, it will save with the time and date of when i make the save.  is there ANY way to make this work so that it Always show current time and weather?  

Using P3D v4

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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

Not as default, but you just change time/weather/season on startup. 

I also believe there exists some LUA scripts that can sync time via FSUIPC

Edited by Bjoern Helge Smaavollan


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Jimmy Stigsjoo (1397725)
56 minutes ago, Bjoern Helge Smaavollan said:

Not as default, but you just change time/weather/season on startup. 

I also believe there exists some LUA scripts that can sync time via FSUIPC

No, i have not been able to set weather on startup when loading a save.  It goes straight into the settings chosen on save.

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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

Load the scenario, then change the settings. 

For weather as long as you are using a weather engine like Active sky or similar this takes control of the weather directly. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Jimmy Stigsjoo (1397725)

So , this thing still haunts me, and i cannot for the life of me get it to work.

I got everything setup , everything works fine... EXCEPT, it doesnt show airplanes.  It doesnt connect properly to the proxy.

Here is what i noticed so far.

  • Once i do .towerview in vpilot, it says im connected, but it doesnt show any nearby controllers, it doesnt show airplanes on the ground. ES DOESNT show any active proxys.
  • If i open up ANOTHER instance of ES , which i usually do to have different views on different computers, then Active controllers pop up on vpilot, stays for about 30 seconds, then goes missing again.  Still doesnt show any airplanes. and it only show one proxy in ES, which is the additional es client open.

Now, i have went over the steps time and time again, and the only spot where im confused it that all places all where i google say that i must change the Vpilot to proxy server, which is also shown in a youtube video... but Vpilot doesnt have a Proxy choice under " network" .


So im stuck. Hopefully someone can help me.



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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

Did you read the guide? 

VPilot, will not show up as a proxy unit. This is because you are connecting to ES as observer. Not through proxy. 

The part with localhost as server in vPilot is very old. Ross discontinued that option way before introducing the .towerview function. 

As for no aircraft, you need a valid ai pack, and ES need to be already online. 

You should use the debug command. Then you will see the activity starting when connecting vPilot to ES. 

Edited by Bjoern Helge Smaavollan


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  • 2 weeks later...
Jimmy Stigsjoo (1397725)
On ‎2018‎-‎02‎-‎09 at 1:00 AM, Bjoern Helge Smaavollan said:

Did you read the guide? 

VPilot, will not show up as a proxy unit. This is because you are connecting to ES as observer. Not through proxy. 

The part with localhost as server in vPilot is very old. Ross discontinued that option way before introducing the .towerview function. 

As for no aircraft, you need a valid ai pack, and ES need to be already online. 

You should use the debug command. Then you will see the activity starting when connecting vPilot to ES. 

What do you mean with "valid" AI Pack?     That might be the problem.

I have an free AI Pack that i have tricked over from FSX, and it works fine when im flying.

When i use debug command, i get  " SAS111 still no livery assigned after unit movement " or something along those lines.

Screw it, i will just get Ultimate Traffic or some real AI addon later this month and try with that.

 Thanks :)

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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)

Okay. Do you get any aircraft showing at all? The white airbus? 

A lot of the older ai planes don't work with p3d v4. Read more about that on any AI site. 


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Jimmy Stigsjoo (1397725)
5 hours ago, Bjoern Helge Smaavollan said:

Okay. Do you get any aircraft showing at all? The white airbus? 

A lot of the older ai planes don't work with p3d v4. Read more about that on any AI site. 

No, as i explained i see no airplanes at all, but it works when flying.

( I log in as a normal pilot to ESSA and see the airplane and livery just fine.   But when i log out, start euroscope and then connect as towerview, i see no airplanes at all. )

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Bjoern Helge Smaavollan (1055999)


First have you logged in with ES? And there are planes in the area? 

Not that it should matter, but is proxy running in euroscope? 


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Jimmy Stigsjoo (1397725)

Thanks for trying to help me with the issue, I really want to get this working for immersion.

I bought UTL Today, tested it and it works fine when loaded in as an aircraft.

Step by step:

1) Load up p3d as a normal aircraft on ESSA Because i know there are planes taking off there right now.
2) Connect to vatsim as usual, and i stand right next to BAW779C, and i see his British airways livery just fine with correct plane type.
3) Close everything down

4) Start Euroscope and connect as OBS at ESSA   ( Running as admin )
5) Start up p3d as tower controller at ESSA  ( Running as admin )
6) Start Vpilot as admin, type in .towerview   . " Connected to network as observer mode "

And ... Nothing..     

7) .debug  -   " Still no model selected for BAW779C after position update#1 - requesting aircraft info

8) .airplane   - EMPTY.      I Hit delete all aircrafts and reload model rulesets, and i get this:


EDIT: After ALOT of pulling my hair, reading forums back and forth googling around in all possible languages, i did a complete full reinstall of  Euroscope and vpilot, and after reinstalling everything, it works like a charm!

Thank you Bjoern :)

Edited by Jimmy Stigsjoo
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