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TopSky plugin 2.5 beta 7

Juha Holopainen

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Juha Holopainen

Changes from beta 6:

  • SIGMET downloading adjusted due to changes at NOAA. The "HTTP_SIGMET_Pages" setting is no longer used.
  • METAR and TAF download URLs adjusted due to changes at NOAA. Still using the old API as it remains available but may change to the new API in the future.
  • Bug fixes


Edited by Juha Holopainen
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Matteo Massini (1484129)

Hello Juha,

I was trying VectorAudio the other day and noticed that the built-in TopSky RDF feature does not work, is there any chance you can make TopSky compatible with it?


Matteo Massini

vACC Italy ATC Training Director

vACC Italy Operations Department

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Juha Holopainen

If RDF doesn't work with it, then it means it's not using the same way of communicating the transmission information as AFV. I'd very much like to see the audio system incorporated into EuroScope so stuff like this could be handled within the program so I wouldn't have to deal with a number of clients each doing things their own way, but as it has been four years now, I'm not exactly holding my breath. Unless something forces a major update into the code, I'm not adding anything new into this version anymore, but possibly in a future version depending on how well the necessary information is documented and how much work it would require.

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Juha Holopainen

External audio apps do make it easier to develop various GUI styles and apply updates to the whole audio infrastructure without having to update all controller clients, but standardizing the "output" of the audio clients (reporting frequency usage and data about received transmissions to controller clients and other software such as plugins for example) would be a good thing.

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Ahti Matilainen (1470273)

Regarding the ICAO equip code issue I mentioned in the thread for one of the earlier betas, I got a log of it happening now.

In the log I amended the flight plan of FIN38U to have the ICAO equipment code present in the vatsim data file (was an FAA code in Euroscope for some reason...), clicking "refresh" after "apply" in the flight plan window it goes back to the FAA code. (equip_issue.txt)

It seems like euroscope is sometimes requesting FAA codes despite having the "get FP equipments in ICAO format" setting being on. I feel like it's not a topsky issue but maybe you can get in touch with the euroscope dev about this?

I also got a log of the issue being triggered by assigning a squawk code via topsky (equip_issue2.txt)

equip_issue.txt equip_issue2.txt

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Juha Holopainen

The first log does show the FAA codes being initially received from the server for that flight, then an amendment sent with ICAO codes immediately followed by the server sending the FPL with FAA codes again. The second (referring to NSZ2900 I believe?) starts with the ICAO codes but after a code assignment a FPL with FAA codes is immediately received from the server. I don't know if the plugin even could cause the change to happen (the correct codes are shown in the VATSIM stats website for both aircraft in all FPL revisions), but I've forwarded the information to Gergely, maybe he has an idea about what's going on here.

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Juha Holopainen

@Ahti Matilainen (1470273) would the complete logfile from the session be still available? If so, does a line


exist in the beginning (probably not as the first message but somewhere close). The important part there being ICAOEQ=1. If that line is found, then EuroScope is requesting the ICAO codes. Any further changes to the requested types should only be possible after a reconnection, but check that there's no similar line with ICAOEQ=0, no ICAOEQ at all, or something else that seems odd.

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Jannik Vogel (1432304)

I have a logfile with the VGDW bug happening including this line. I can not recall the callsign of the aircraft for which a change of EQUIP was observed and the session is multiple hours long so I guess you cannot really use the logfile itself - however it was for sure happening while ICAOEQ was active.

Are the vatsim servers incorrectly handling this line by any chance?

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Juha Holopainen

Without knowing the callsign it's probably not worth anyone's time to search the log for the change happening but the log may still be useful so hang on to it in any case. If it ends up being the only log showing it, it may be possible to write a script looking for a change in the received types for any aircraft in the log.

I don't know the specifics of the server-client interaction regarding the codes, but if I understood Gergely right, the client sends the ICAOEQ=1 information to the server just once, at the start of the connection (so if you change the setting in EuroScope, you'll have to disconnect and reconnect to the network for it to take effect). At least in theory if you get at least some equipment in the ICAO format, you should get them all in it. There should be no mix between the two. It looks like something is wrong though but it's currently not clear what exactly and Gergely would need logged information of the issue happening.

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Ahti Matilainen (1470273)

Got a log again (trimmed from the end to fit the max file size, contact me if you need the full log, I still have it). Sometimes you have some aircraft in ICAO and some in FAA (for example in the log at time 17:02:39 you have NRS29R on an FAA code and the rest in my sector on ICAO. NRS actually starts off with ICAO though...). It seems like it is sending ICAOEQ=1 to the server as well.


Edited by Ahti Matilainen (1470273)
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Jannik Vogel (1432304)

I think the problems is not (only) on server side. If


is missing in EuroScopes General Settings file, the client seems to be requesting ICAO equipment but is however not actually using the often validly filed ICAO equipment but VATSIM's conversion (e.g. VGDW/C).

I noticed that when flying from LOWW to EDDN yesterday (https://stats.vatsim.net/connection/fp-details/96028498). My initial FPL contains ICAO equip but as soon as LOWW_DEL amends something, VGDW/C is being used. The LOVV General settings do not contain the ICAO-Setting mentioned above.

However on my previous flight from EDDN to LOWW (https://stats.vatsim.net/connection/fp-details/96025473) this does not happen (although I filed the exact same equipment). Our (München's) General Settings DO contain the ICAO setting.

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Oliver Gruetzmann (961224)
4 hours ago, Jannik Vogel (1432304) said:

I think the problems is not (only) on server side. If


is missing in EuroScopes General Settings file, the client seems to be requesting ICAO equipment but is however not actually using the often validly filed ICAO equipment but VATSIM's conversion (e.g. VGDW/C).

I noticed that when flying from LOWW to EDDN yesterday (https://stats.vatsim.net/connection/fp-details/96028498). My initial FPL contains ICAO equip but as soon as LOWW_DEL amends something, VGDW/C is being used. The LOVV General settings do not contain the ICAO-Setting mentioned above.

However on my previous flight from EDDN to LOWW (https://stats.vatsim.net/connection/fp-details/96025473) this does not happen (although I filed the exact same equipment). Our (München's) General Settings DO contain the ICAO setting.

It is this setting that controls it:


Seems like they might have it turned off?

Edited by Oliver Gruetzmann (961224)
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Ahti Matilainen (1470273)

Could it be possible to have areas synced between euroscope instances? Currently if you for example manually activate an area the change will only be reflected on the euroscope instance that you did it on and in order to get it on the other instances you would have to go do the activation again on the other instance. It would also be cool if area activations would go to other controllers as well.

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Jakob Arne Bronstad (1000634)

Is there a chance to get a box that you can click on with the LIST CLR/DCL/CMT item type? Or if there can be an option in settings we can enable. just to be clear, we can click it now, but a box as CLR would be nice :)


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Jakob Brønstad
Sectorfile Department Polaris FIR


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Juha Holopainen
On 07/11/2023 at 14:30, Jannik Vogel (1432304) said:

I noticed that when flying from LOWW to EDDN yesterday (https://stats.vatsim.net/connection/fp-details/96028498). My initial FPL contains ICAO equip but as soon as LOWW_DEL amends something, VGDW/C is being used. The LOVV General settings do not contain the ICAO-Setting mentioned above.

Even if the outcome is not a desired one, it's probably the least bad way to handle it. With LOWW_DEL amending a plan with FAA codes set, the server can't know if the controller meant to change the codes or not, it just has to assume everything in the amended plan to be the intended information. I don't really know why the data contains the two different equipment code sets anyway.

On 13/11/2023 at 18:22, Ahti Matilainen (1470273) said:

Could it be possible to have areas synced between euroscope instances? Currently if you for example manually activate an area the change will only be reflected on the euroscope instance that you did it on and in order to get it on the other instances you would have to go do the activation again on the other instance. It would also be cool if area activations would go to other controllers as well.

One way to accomplish all that would be to use remote activation of areas (setting up a web or local file location to host a data file), but to make that user-friendly, someone would have to develop a user interface to handle the activations instead of manually having to edit a text file. It would also be possible to introduce a setting to make proxy instances slave their area data from the main EuroScope instance, but that change would be for a later plugin version.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Bostjan Laba (1190497)

Would it be possible for Topsky to show ground state on the TAG, let's say above Callsign or next to DRWY info in untagged state? Or is this already somehow possible to setup?

If not, is there a way to do it via additional custom plugin which would interact with Topsky?

And second, I know Audio for Vatsim is independant but is it somehow possible to show last station calling (which AudioForVatsim displays) in the Euroscope? Any chance to pull this info from the vatsim servers via plugin for ES perhaps?

Thank you

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Matisse VanWezer (1385143)
On 03/12/2023 at 13:02, Bostjan Laba (1190497) said:

is it somehow possible to show last station calling in the Euroscope? Any chance to pull this info from the vatsim servers via plugin for ES perhaps?


Perhaps not what you are looking for, but if you have the RDF enabled and hold the middle mouse button, the last calling aircraft is highlighted (with the RDF-circle) 

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Juha Holopainen

You can adjust your tag setup to contain either the "Ground status" (EuroScope default item) or the "List STS" (TopSky item) anywhere you like on the tags, they both display the ground state.

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Bostjan Laba (1190497)
1 minute ago, Juha Holopainen said:

You can adjust your tag setup to contain either the "Ground status" (EuroScope default item) or the "List STS" (TopSky item) anywhere you like on the tags, they both display the ground state.

Thank, Juha.

I've tried it thru es tag editor but no effect. I chose the Family I use when I connect, corellated a+c and untagged/tagged/detail and adding a field. No success. Only thing I noticed that worked, was enabling and disabling LABELS on topsky menubar, that did have effect on tags on the ground...but there is not ground state of course. 

So my settings when I do ATC is: our Family (based on topsky), radar mode with Stby check off, a+c check on.

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Bostjan Laba (1190497)

Also I sent an email to dev of afv but no reply at all, so I have no info what are the options with afv regarding getting some data from it...

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Bostjan Laba (1190497)

Guys, since I'm pretty new at all this, no toolbar from TopSky looks like this I have:

So is this still a topsky toolbar or something else?


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