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Feedback from pilots [feedback@vatsim-scandinavia.org]

Magnus Gustafsson (880543)

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Magnus Gustafsson (880543)
Magnus Gustafsson <accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

Feedback atc Norway
1 message

Julian  20 October 2016 at 21:18
To: director@vatsim-scandinavia.org
Dear Scandinavia vacc,

I want to thank Haavard Halvorsen for his professional and very friendly atc as ENOS_CTR.

I had some radio problems but thanks to him I had a very smooth approach to Oslo.

Kind Regards

Julian Colder
Atc controller Belgium 


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Christian Frederiksen





I flew from Helsinki to Copenhagen this evening and am very grateful for the full ATC I had from your team! The controller in Copenhagen this evening (EKDK_CTR) was fantastic. His name was Mikkel Lindgren (CID: 1003540) and they were very friendly and efficient with their instructions, especially considering I am fairly new to VATSIM, it was really appreciated! I look forward to many more flights in the future to Copenhagen and Scandinavia.
Kind Regards,
Toby Sharpe (1356009)


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Christian Frederiksen
Director of Copenhagen FIR

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  • 2 weeks later...
Jouka Ahponen (1239359)

I just did my first IFR flight and got in the air after getting friendly guidance from Jouka Ahponen (EFES CTR). I made some mistakes, but in the end I managed to fly from EFKU to EFHK. I also need to bow to Miska Jokinen (EFHK APP) who helped me to get safely on the ground. 

Thanks guys! :)

It was Joonatan Porkkala on APP though, but nice to hear some positive feedback.

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  • 1 month later...
Magnus Gustafsson (880543)

Controller name is not mentioned but it should be @Kobi Lecornu that have shown his performance

Magnus Gustafsson <accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

Positive feedback to BIKF_TWR the 9th december 2016 17:18 zulu
1 message

Aleksander Oddene 9 December 2016 at 19:19
To: "feedback@vatsim-scandinavia.org" <feedback@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

Mature, positive and quite a decent Controller. He showed himself from a angle of view that I haven't seen in student Controllers before, excellent phraseology aswell as helpfullnes


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  • 2 months later...
Miska Jokinen (1290995)

Well, as I feared, my VAS zapped me out of the sky – almost on the ground at EFHK.  Sorry about that!

I’m still trying to sort “things” out with my sim, since installing the new PMDG Queen of the Skies.

Thanks a million for a fine operation.  I hope to see you again soon!


Eric Faber

Giant 114



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Miska Jokinen (1290995)

Hello guys,

on behalf of the whole "raid des eskimoos" french team pilots, I would like to thank Mr Max Khula who
has provided us a great ATC service tonite in EKVG.

The 24 of us have been very pleased to get such a good service with accuracy and patience !

We will be departing next thursday from EKVG to BIHN at approx 19:00 Zulu.

Thank you very much again !

Kind regards

Xavier Van de Hel
French VACC Deputy Director/ACCFR2



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  • 3 weeks later...
Julius Mannermaa (1325300)


Subject: Copenhagen Overload
I wanted to write and congratulate you and all the staff, for the tremendously successful event that I was able to join, on the weekend. 
Each position was handled with such fine professionalism, and made the whole flight experience the best I have experienced anyway in the world.
It stands as the best example of how these events should be conducted, and again send my best wishes and congratulations to ALL.

Thank you

David Christian

Vancouver Canada



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  • 2 months later...
Julius Mannermaa (1325300)

As a pilot of ORX914 and group leader of the three that came to land at ESMS, Kristian did an amazing job giving us directions even when the airspace became ever so more crowded in each passing minute.  With accuracy and no delay, he was able to timing get back to each group member for accurate and dependent directions.  We are fortunate to have a calm an colllect, as well as respectful ATC Control.  Thanks Kristian! 

ORX914 - Seth


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  • 1 month later...
Miska Jokinen (1290995)

Hello :)

I enjoyed your Controller services today and had a great flight. However, I wish a few more stations would be online for the EFHK event so Tampere Radar doesn't have to do all the work alone ;)


Have a great evening and continue doing such a good job. I will come and fly again :)


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  • 1 month later...
Christian Frederiksen

Good day!

I want to take a moment to commend the exceptional service by the following controllers who I had the pleasure of dealing with yesterday evening and today.  They are as follows:
Frederik Pedersen
Casper Hvid Rasmussen
Daniel Edvardsson
Mattias Krogstad
As someone new to Vatsim, they were all extremely helpful.  Their professionalism and attitude were top notch!
Thanks kindly for your time,
Rob Drum
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Christian Frederiksen
Director of Copenhagen FIR

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  • 1 month later...
Miska Jokinen (1290995)
Dear Vatsim-Scandinavia,
I would like to praise one of your ATC's.
His name is - Wygene Chong.
On 9/9/2017 at 10:45z, I logged into ENBR airport as SAS268, and Wygene Chong was at "ENOS_CTR" stand.
I was trying to contact another ATC that was in ENBR_TWR stand, but he was unresponsive, so I contacted Wygene Chong (ENOS_CTR) on the private chat and he answered after only few seconds!
First, He was trying to contact ENBR_TWR by messages. Then, by phone. After ENBR_TWR didn't respond to him, he explained me step by step how to call a Supervisor.
I thanked him, and he told me "you are welcome", and "have a nice take off" - he was very nice to me!
My route for this flight was: ENBR to ENGM. It means that after departure from ENBR I I went into his (ENOS_CTR) air space, and contacted him.
There was a lot of traffic under his controlling, but it seems to be very easy to him. He was very calm, answered after few seconds only, and was very very professional.
The flight, approach and landing was so easy and fun with him. 
At the end of the flight, he even apologized on the inconvenience that occurred at the beginning of the flight (even it was not his fault) and again told me "you are welcome" and "have a nice day". 
He is really a good ATC!
Thank you very much Wygene Chong.
Hope we will fly together again,
Etay Cohen.


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Daniel Klepp (1035750)

Hello Vatsim Scandinavia,

This evening (Friday September 15), the FSCB-Flightgroup flew from ENZV to ENVA
and that was an impressive performance of VATSIM _ Scandinavia!

Our group was large:  we had 13 pilots in the air.
So that was quite a challenge for ATC to handle many aircraft in a short time-frame, but everything went very smoothly with ATC coverage from start to finish:
At ENZV we had @adrian forsbom (GND), @Simon Skofteland (TWR), @Krister Larsen (APP) and @Per Kristian Jensen (CTR).
At ENVA we were welcomed by: @Adrian Bjerke (APP), @OleMartin Tofteng (TWR) and @Emil Snersrud (GND)

They all deserve a BIG COMPLIMENT for their great support to our flight.
We really enjoyed our evening and we hope the controllers enjoyed it just as much as we did!

Thanks to all of you and I hope that this message reaches all controllers that were there.

Best regards,

Paul on behalf of FSCB-Flightgroup
KLM 366


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C1/INS rated
AFIS Officer at ENOV

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Julius Mannermaa (1325300)
Vatsim Scandinavia Mail Julius Mannermaa <accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

CPH 2017 Live
1 message

Reinhard Brantner  17 September 2017 at 15:30
To: feedback@vatsim-scandinavia.org
Dear team,
It was a great event. I departed from CPH with my Cessna Citation X towards BIEG. And it was great service you delivered. Although the airport was busy, everything was fully under control.
You did an extraordinary job!
Best regards (and please repeat)


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  • 4 weeks later...
Mikkel Lindgren (1003540)
During the CTP event currently I am under 1244751's control. Just want to say he is a fab controller: very efficient and proffesional.
Lewis IBK787 (For CTP)

Best regards

Mikkel Lindgren

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  • 4 weeks later...
Mikkel Lindgren (1003540)

For once in my career, I'm gonna post my own feedback!

Mikkel Lindgren <denmark@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

04:58 (4 minutes ago)
to feedback
It's worldflight week!
I just want to give my kudos to the swedish ATC - what you are doing right now is amazing!
I'm in the Worldflight 2017 ATC team, and by far we haven't seen anything like this. 6 local controllers online at 4:30 in the morning. I take my hat of for you guys! Keep up the spirit and thanks for you efforst!!!
Mikkel Lindgren
Director of Copenhagen FIR
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Best regards

Mikkel Lindgren

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  • 2 weeks later...
Julius Mannermaa (1325300)
Vatsim Scandinavia Mail Julius Mannermaa <accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

2 messages

  6 November 2017 at 04:46
To: director@vatsim-scandinavia.org
Dear Julius,
for the 36 Hours Arlanda event I enjoyed one inbound and one outbound flight and I wish to express my thanks to your team members for a very realistic and professional ATC service.
Your controllers were also very courteous and patient (I was having some technical difficulties). It was my first Vatsim flight in your region and I look forward to similar events in future.
Many thanks and compliments to your team!
Best regards from VHHH


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  • 1 month later...
Mikkel Lindgren (1003540)

Hi I have to recognize your work I'm really proud about what are you doing and how are you training to scandinavian atc. I was flying today over Norway, Sweden and Denmark and I was thinking oh no atc is online because I was flying all over Europe and most of the atc give me a bad control I'm pilot in real life and I have to say that flying over scandinavian countries is the best I found the real atc it was amazing lots of aircrafts and they were so quite and giving and excellent service I'm thankful with Sweden control I don't remember the name of the controller but he and karstrup twr controller Daniel Dahl Andersen were the best. Amazing job with your controllers

Cptn Sebastian Vasquez


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Best regards

Mikkel Lindgren

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  • 4 weeks later...
Håvard Halvorsen (1284176)


Question: Why would FSCB-Flightgroup visit Scandinavia so often?

Answer: because Vatsim-Scandinavia always provides excellent ATC on the requested aiports !

And yesterday was no exception.

FSCB-Flightgroup had 11 aircraft in the sky as we arrived at ENCN.

A busy evening for the controllers, but with Krister as ENSV_CTR, Adrian as ENCN_APP and Niklas as ENCN_TWR it was no problem at all !

We all landed with perfect separation, even when  we had several (slower) Dash aircraft in the group.

Thank you guys for your great ATC!

I enclose a few pictures.

Kind regards,

Paul Colder


Edited by Håvard Halvorsen
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Håvard Halvorsen
Training Director

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  • 1 month later...
Julius Mannermaa (1325300)
Vatsim Scandinavia Mail Julius Mannermaa <accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

Landvetter Tower - 24/03/18
1 message

Cartoonii 24 March 2018 at 23:49
To: feedback@vatsim-scandinavia.org
In regards to Anton Lindros.
I recently flew out of ESGG en-route to ENGM as SAS1EW and I would like to extend warm regards to the TWR controller Anton Lindros, he did his job well and we had a nice conversation about weather too. It's always nice to have a controller who does their job but makes conversation. I always love to fly in and out of Scandinavian airspace due to the excellent controllers.
Thank you.


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Håvard Halvorsen (1284176)

ENOS_CTR Mats Edvin Aaro personal rating

to feedback
About an hour ago, I flew my first online flight in the 787-9. After take off, ENGM Approch, told me I had to fly a heading to avoid some kind of emergency, he then told me to continue with my flight, and change freq to ENOS_CTR.
I explained to Mr. Aaro that I have an issue with the fmc, making me not possible to change the current "ACTIVE WAYPOINT", and that I could not continue my flight before I've checked the current active waypoint, which was RWY19R, and that I had to go back to the airport before continuing, he didn't quite seem to understand my issue, so I explained again, he told me to change heading and that he wanted me to standby while he sorted things out. This scenario I do not belive have accured before, so its obius that he didnt have experience with this before, all in all, he fixed it all and helped me continue with my flight! 
I'd personally rate him 5/5. One of the best, if not THE best ATC's I've ever incountred. I do believe that if you have the chance to have him as your ATC, GO FOR IT!


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Håvard Halvorsen
Training Director

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  • 4 weeks later...
Håvard Halvorsen (1284176)

Dear Sir or Madam,

09.03.2018 at 09:30 AM this morning I performed a flight from Oslo (ENGM) to Frankfurt (EDDF) as (DLH859). Here I would like to emphasize "Anders Moen" who acted as Norway Controller (ENOS_CTR). He as a controller gave clear and very understandable instructions.

I would like to thank the controller in Norway, no matter ground, tower or center for the good work you are doing and I am always happy to fly into your airspace.

Best regards

Gaida Carsten


Håvard Halvorsen
Training Director

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Håvard Halvorsen (1284176)

I want to take a moment to say "thank you" to all the Norway controllers this evening.

After flying down from (my favorite city in the world... Tromso), I decided to fly my next leg, onto EDDF, online. When I logged in, I was surprised there was full staffing. I logged in during your live ATC event.

Anyway, want to say thank you to ALL the controllers. To those I didn't talk to... thanks for plugging in... For those that I did talk to:

Ole Martin Tofteng (ENGM TWR): Absolutely EXCELLENT job... especially dealing with that assclown who was being a jerk on frequency. I know you were .walloping in the background, but definitely maintained a great level of professionalism while things were being sorted out... Thanks!

Mats Edvin Aaro (ENGM_W_APP): Great, crisp and professional comms. Thanks for the shortcut in the climbout, it definitely saved a bit of Jet-A "dino-juice".

Daniel Klepp: (ENOS_CTR): Thanks for direct ARTOR.. Again... saved some "dino juice"...

I RARELY fly in Europe on VATSIM. However today, I'm glad I did... All in all, excellent event, and I wish all of you a great day and great event!

-Dan Everette (SAS832)


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Håvard Halvorsen
Training Director

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  • 2 months later...
Julius Mannermaa (1325300)
Vatsim Scandinavia Mail Julius Mannermaa <accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

Good feedback about Copenhagen Monday event
1 message

Etay C. 2 July 2018 at 22:05
To: feedback@vatsim-scandinavia.org
Hello Vatsim Scandinavia!
I am already flying 1 year on Vatsim network and participated many of your excellent events with the very professional and polite ATC's and the amazing views of Scandinavia!
Every flight in Scandinavia is enjoyable!
Today (2.7.2018) I discovered the Copenhagen Monday event and took a flight from EKBI (Billund airport) to Copenhagen between 17:30z to 18:30z 
The flight was at the Dash 8 Q400 which as always is not so easy to fly but as usual it was smooth and great flight with the Scandinavian ATC's - Adrian Bjerke, Daniel Dahl Andersen, Morten Jelle, and Mikkel Lindgren!
Thank you very much for all the events and ATC's, Hope to keep flying with you!


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  • 2 months later...
Mikkel Lindgren (1003540)

Hello to everybody who participated in the Copenhagen 16hrs event.


I would simply like to say that the whole team did a fantastic job in handling the traffic (and there was lots off it), from the virtual pilots who knew what they were doing to the pilots who didn’t really ?. Every situation was handeled in a possitive manner! It felt like a well oiled machine true the whole day, i flew in in de morning, aftternoon and in the evening did a return flight to and from Epwa.


It was a joy flying in Danish airspace and hope to see you guys again next year!


p.s: Now have a bear, the whole team deserves it.


high flying regards from Belgium


Cobbaert Samuel aka callsign SAS89F.



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Best regards

Mikkel Lindgren

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  • 1 month later...
Julius Mannermaa (1325300)
Vatsim Scandinavia Mail Julius Mannermaa <accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org>

1 message

Forwarded on request of EUD.

To: accsca1@vatsim-scandinavia.org

Dear Vatsim,

This is a letter with gratitude and compliments from FSCB-Flightgroup to VATSIM - Europe.

The FSCB-Flightgroup is an international group internet pilots and every Friday evening
we fly online via Vatsim between 2 European cities. Usually we are with 8 - 10 aircraft.

Since 15 years I organise /create the internet flights of our group.
Our flights are usually around 400 NM and are always 1 long string of connecting flights.
Obviously, in such set up is not possible to fly to main airports in Europe only, so we frequently visit small airports.
Of course, such airports will not always have ATC online.

Therefore I send every week ATC requests to the relevant VATSIM country organisations to ask for ATC on that specific airport, and that is the reason for this letter, because we almost always get a positive response from the local VATSIM division!
Even on the smallest airports, we almost always get ATC.

Flying to new and usually smaller (and more challenging) airports is great, but flying to those airports with local ATC is really fantastic!
That level of service from VATSIM is truly amazing and all the air traffic controllers that supported our flights during all these years deserve a VERY BIG THANK YOU.

After the flight I always try to send our feedback to Vatsim. Since controllers at smaller airports do not have many opportunities to handle 10 aircraft in 1 hour, they are usually very happy with our flights also. Furthermore we note that arrivals or departures of our group are regularly used for training purposes of new controllers.
This is clearly a win-win setup  both for us as pilots and for the ATC.

We truly enjoy our Friday evening flights with VATSIM  and that is the reason why our group already exists more than 15 years, but without your support this would not have been possible.

On behalf of the pilots of FSCB-Flightgroup we thank you as management of VATSIM Europe very much for creating, operating and guiding the VATSIM Europe organisation so successfully.
Job well done !!

Kind regards,

Paul Colder
Vatsim : 835390


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